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A week had passed since that fateful night, and Kakyoin finally regained consciousness. His body ached, a constant reminder of the battle they had fought and the sacrifices made. His eyes scanned his surroundings, searching for the one person he desperately sought.

But Evelyn was nowhere to be found.

He turned to his friends for answers. Their faces, etched with sympathy and sorrow, told him what he dreaded most: they couldn't find Evelyn. She had vanished without a trace. Each day, Kakyoin clung to a sliver of hope that she would return, believing her absence to be just a cruel twist of fate.

Alongside Jotaro, Kakyoin tried to resume a semblance of normal life as a student, but the shadows of their battle against DIO loomed over them like an ever-present cloud. The wounds, both physical and emotional, were slow to heal, and Kakyoin's heart bore the deepest scar of all.

Years passed, and the remaining Crusaders couldn't shake off the emotional scars left by this encounter. The victory over DIO had come at a tremendous cost, and the absence of their friends was a constant ache in their hearts. For Kakyoin, it was a wound that ran deep, a void nothing could fill.

The pain of not knowing her fate gnawed at him. The hairpin from her hair became his most cherished possession, a physical link to the woman he had loved and lost.

Kakyoin knew that even if the world moved on, he would forever hold a part of her within him. Her presence, her laughter, and their moments together would always reside in his heart.

As he looked up at the sky, the stars shining as brightly as they had on the night they faced DIO, Kakyoin felt a profound sense of loss. The universe had granted him a fleeting moment of happiness, only to snatch it away from him.

Tears glistened in his eyes, mingling with the stars that illuminated the night sky. As the memories of their journey flooded his mind, Kakyoin knew he would carry her with him, in every beat of his heart, until the day they were reunited once again.

The world had moved on, but for Kakyoin, the chapter of their story remained frozen in time.

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2 years after the battle against DIO.

February 7, 1990.

Evelyn is currently 18 years old.

The soft murmur of everyday life surrounded Cheryl as she cleaned the dishes in her apartment. The clinking of plates and the sound of running water provided a comforting environment.

In the next room, Evelyn, who had once faced the brink of despair, slept peacefully. Cheryl had saved her once again, bringing her back from the edge. As she wiped the last of the dishes, a faint noise from Evelyn's room made Cheryl pause, her heart skipping a beat.

With her Stand, Leaves, by her side, Cheryl approached the room, uncertainty dancing in her eyes. The door creaked open, and Cheryl's tension melted into relief at the sight before her. There, sitting on the edge of the bed, was Evelyn—no longer the fragile figure she had once been.

"Evelyn," Cheryl whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Cheryl," Evelyn said softly, her voice slightly raspy from disuse but filled with warmth.

Cheryl rushed to her side, tears welling up in her eyes. "I can't believe it. You're awake," she murmured, her hands gently clasping Evelyn's.

Evelyn's eyes, clearly showing confusion and exhaustion, looked frantically around the room, "Wh-What happened?"

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