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They were already on the plane to Egypt, and Evelyn found peace in reading a book during the flight. However, her tranquility was interrupted by the buzzing of a bug. Irritated, she looked up from her book and saw the surprised faces of the others.

"A... a rhinoceros beetle?" Jotaro exclaimed as he stood up. "No.. a stag beetle!"

"Avdol, is that a stand? Are we already encountering another stand under?" Asked the old man.

"It's possible. It could be a bug-shaped stand." As he spoke, the beetle darted into the shadows of the seats. In the blink of an eye, it reappeared next to Jotaro, who attempted to punch it, but the agile beetle evaded his attack.

"It dodged!" Jotaro growled, his eyes darkening. "My Star Platinum can't hit him! He's too fast!"

The stand then attacked Jotaro with something that looked like a spiky, grey tongue, attempting to take out his tongue as well. Jotaro tried to stop him with his hand, but it pierced it and entered his mouth. Star Platinum's teeth stopped the strikes, leaving the stand unprotected for a brief while. Evelyn couldn't help but clench her hand, feeling a mix of fear and concern for Jotaro's safety.

Jotaro fought back with a series of 'oras,' shattering the stand trapped between his teeth. However, the beetle stand managed to escape and continued buzzing around, seemingly smirking at the confrontation.

"Don't make this more trouble than it already is. I've come for the girl, and killing you is just a bonus. Just give her to me, and I'll give you all a nice, painless death. If you refuse to comply, I'll rip your tongues out and let you all bleed to death in excruciating pain!" Jotaro frowned, clenching his jaw, and Kakyoin dug his fingers into the palm of his hand.

Undeterred, Kakyoin bravely responded, "Well, lucky for you, we aren't giving you the satisfaction of either." Evelyn admired their determination, but the situation was tense, and she couldn't shake the feeling of dread and disgust.

The bug suddenly flew around, slamming through the mouths of a whole front row of people, killing them and ripping out their tongues, blood splattering on the floor. Evelyn held back a cry in horror as the word "massacre" was written on a wall.

Then an old man woke up.

"It's so noisy...I wonder what all the ruckus is...I guess I'll go to the bathroom." He stood up, and walked toward the bathroom, but touched the wall that the beetle stained with blood.

"What's this tiny stuff? M...A... AHH!" He shouted. He screeched and backed away from the wall, and stepped over the blood. The man let out another scream, and lifted his leg to look at what he stepped into. "B-BLOOD?!"

Kakyoin stepped over to the man, who was backing away, and hit his pressure point, causing him to pass out.

"We have to defeat it before the other passengers panic," Kakyoin asserted, "But, Avdol, an active Stand like your Magician's Red could make the plane explode." he said, "And Jojo, if your power were to put a hole in the fuselage, it'd be a catastrophe." He explained. "My quiet Stand, Hierophant Green, is most suited to defeating it."

"Kakyoin Noriaki, eh?" The enemy stand cackled. "I've heard all about you from Lord DIO. Stop. If you know your stand is quiet, there's no point in challenging me. You cannot catch me at your speed!"

"You think so?" Kakyoin challenged, and summoned his Stand which released multiple Emerald Splash's at the enemy, which dodged it effortlessly.

"You seem to think you can hit me if you fire enough shots, but you haven't hit me at all!" The Stand taunted.

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