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Diary Entry 1: February 10, 1990

Dear Diary,

It's been a few days since I woke up, and I still can't believe I'm here, alive. Two years in a coma, and it feels like I've been given a second chance. Every day, I'm reminded of how fragile life is and how much I owe to Cheryl and Valerian for saving me. Without them, I wouldn't be here.

The news about Noriaki... I can't even describe how it makes me feel. My heart races just thinking about him. Knowing he's alive fills me with a joy, it's almost overwhelming. I want to cry out in happiness.

I told Cheryl about that day. It was horrible to relive it, but I knew it would be worse if I kept it to myself. Sharing the pain somehow makes it more bearable.

Diary Entry 2: February 28, 1990

Dear Diary,

I spent most of the day by the window, watching the world go by. It's strange to see how much has changed while I was gone. The world moved on, but for me, it feels like time stood still.

Cheryl and Valerian have been incredible. Their support is the anchor I desperately need. We talked a lot today—about the past, the future, and everything in between. Cheryl has this way of making the heaviest topics feel manageable. I told her more about my time with Jonathan and Dio. She listened patiently, offering comfort without judgment.

I've been thinking a lot about Noriaki. Knowing he's out there, alive... honestly I can't believe it.

There are moments when I feel overwhelmed by everything—the battles we fought, the friends we lost, the time that slipped away. But then I remember why we did it.

I'm trying to focus on the positives, to find joy in the little things. It's not easy, but I'm determined. I owe it to myself and to everyone who fought alongside me.

For now, I'll keep moving forward, one day at a time.

Diary Entry 3: March 6, 1990

Dear Diary,

Last night was rough. I had a nightmare that felt so real it left me shaken. I dreamt I was back in my old school, but everything was twisted and distorted. The hallways were endless, and the classrooms were filled with shadows that whispered words I couldn't understand.

I was searching for something or someone, but I couldn't remember who or why. The feeling of urgency and dread hung heavy in the air, making my heart pound in my chest.

In the dream, I kept running, trying to find a way out, but the school seemed to shift and change around me. It was like being trapped in a maze with no exit, no matter how hard I tried to escape.

At one point, I stumbled into a room that looked familiar. But inside, there was a figure sitting at a desk, facing away from me.

I tried to approach them, to see who it was, but as I got closer, the figure turned around slowly. It was Noriaki, covered in blood. His eyes, usually warm and kind, were emotionless. He reached out to me, but before I could touch him, the dream shattered, and I woke up, drenched in sweat and trembling.

Cheryl noticed that something was wrong and asked if I was okay, but I couldn't find the words to explain. It feels unreasonable to be so affected by a dream, but I feel like it took the healing process back a bit.

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