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Evelyn woke up with an immediate headache, and her eyes scanned the boat until she saw her bag.

"Lucky me, they got my bag," she thought.

Evelyn took some medicine for her headache, but it didn't work, so she took out a pack of  cigarettes and a lighter. So, she sat on the boat, smoking, while everyone else was sleeping—or so she thought.

"You smoke?" Jotaro asked, catching her off guard as he got up from his sleeping position.

"Yeah, but rarely. That's why I only have 1 pack," she replied.

Jotaro huffed in response, and Evelyn tried to continue the conversation.

"So, why are you up?"

"I couldn't sleep," he replied.

Evelyn picked a cig out of her remaining ones and offered it to Jotaro, who accepted without hesitation.

✧ ・゚ : * ✧ ・゚ : *

Meanwhile, in DIO's mansion

DIO stood in front of the mirror, admiring himself.

"Enya, there's something I'd like to ask you." He asked the old woman, who was standing beside him.

"What does it mean to live?"

"To obtain what one desires." Replied the woman simply.

"People want money, they want fame, they want food, they want love, they want a lover..." The elderly woman said.

"But when they attempt to obtain what they desire, there is always a battle, is there not, Enya?"

"Indeed there is, Lord DIO."

"If they lose the battle and fail to obtain what they desire, they feel frustration and a sense of failure. They are hurt...And they feel fear when faced with the next battle. I believe that conquering fear is what it means to live. The one who will stand at the top of the world is the one who feels no fear whatsoever. Do you understand, Enya?"

"Lord DIO, what is it you desire the most?"

✧ ・゚ : * ✧ ・゚ : *

Polnareff jumped out of the emergency boat and said, "They came this far to rescue us, there has to be someone aboard! Even if they are all stand users, I'm getting on this boat!"

Kakyoin stepped out of the boat and extended his hand to help Evelyn. Blushing, she quietly thanked him as she got out. Following them were Joseph, Jotaro, and Anne. Jotaro offered Anne a helping hand, but she playfully jumped into Joseph's arms and stuck her tongue out.

"Yare yare..."

Once the entire group found themselves safely aboard the ship, silence enveloped them. They looked around, but there was no welcoming crew, no signs of life—just an empty vessel floating on the sea. They decided to explore further, hoping to get some answers.

They ventured to the pilothouse, the heart of the ship, only to find it equally deserted. Not a soul was in sight, and the absence of any activity added an unsettling air to the already mysterious atmosphere.

Just when uncertainty was beginning to weigh on their minds, Anne's voice pierced through the silence, urging them to gather around. She pointed towards a room that had caught her attention. Curious, they followed her lead, and as they entered, their gazes fell upon an unexpected sight—an orangutan, locked in a cage.

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