Don't Touch What's Mine

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Summary : One of Harry's friends hits on Louis and goes as far as touching him .

*Trigger Warning : sexual assault , torture*

Enjoy x


"Hi Laura ." Louis smiled at Harry's secretary , she smiled back , "Hi sweet , how's your day been ?"

"Been okay , yours ?" He grabbed a few M&M's from the bowl ontop of her desk , she pushed the bowl closer to him , "Been good . Harry is still on his meeting , he should be done in about ten minutes ."

"Okay , I'll just wait in the office ." Louis nodded , grabbing a bit more of the M&M's and going to the office . He punched the code in and pushed the door open , sighing as he let it shut behind him . He hated how heavy that door was .

He went to sit at Harry's chair behind the desk and grabbed the menu from the third drawer ; Harry was working late and Louis didn't want to be home alone for dinner , so he asked Harry if he could come over to atleast have dinner with him , to which Harry of course agreed .

He picked two dishes from the menu and called Rodrigo , Harry's chef , from the office phone ontop of the desk . He ordered his and Harry's dishes and thanked Rodrigo , hanging up the phone just as he heard the buzz of the office door opening .

At first he smiled , thinking it was Harry , but his smile fell a little when he saw a guy he didn't know .

"Oh hello ." The guy smiled , Louis shifted in the chair , "Hi ."

"Didn't know Styles is having company tonight ." The guy walked closer , "Is that what he meant by 'working late' ?"

"I'm sorry ? I don't understand ." Louis frowned . "Who are you ?"

The guy walked around the desk and stood next to him , holding his hand out for Louis to shake , "Frank , nice to meet you , pretty ." Louis shook his hand , Frank brought his hand up and kissed the back of it , making Louis pull back quickly .

"Right , ehm . I'll - I'll just wait outside ." Louis stood up from the chair , Frank grabbed his arm and pulled him closer , "Don't , stay with me . Let's wait for Harry together ." Frank sat down on Harry's chair and tried pulling Louis into his lap .

Louis pushed his hands away with a gasp and moved himself away from him , "Th-That's not a good idea ." He shook his head and tried to leave the office , but was grabbed once again , this time by his hips .

"Listen , either you let me touch you or I'm telling Harry - who's a close friend of mine - that you weren't listening to me ." Frank pinned him to the desk , "And trust me you don't want to make him angry ."

Frank tried pushing his face into Louis' neck , Louis whimpered and pushed him away , "S-Stop , let go ."

"Fucking hell ." Frank growled and turned Louis around , his crotch pressed to his bum and hands still gripping his hips , "You're so fucking difficult ."

Louis' eyes filled with tears , crying when he felt Frank's mouth on his neck . He tried squirming away but Frank was strong .

None of them heard the door buzzing open , but they sure did hear the cocking of Harry's gun .

"What the fuck is going on ."

Before anyone moved Harry shot Frank in the calf in perfect aim , making him cry and let go of Louis , who quickly pushed away from him and moved to curl himself in the corner of the massive room , as far away from Frank as possible .

Don't Mess With The Wrong Person - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now