Summary : Louis has a stalker .
Enjoy x
"Hazzie ." Louis pressed the phone to his ear with a smile .
"Hey baby . Where are you ?"
"Just arrived at the park with Donna , Chess and Odin ." Louis sat down on one of the cement benches , "Going to let them run around for a bit . I'll be back in time for lunch ."
"Okay . What do you want me to order for you ? Rod made a few changes in the menu , I'll text it to you . Text me back your order ."
"Alright . See you at lunch ."
"See you . Love you baby ."
"Love you ." Louis smiled as they hung up , seconds later Harry texted him the menu . He looked up to make sure the three dogs were alright , before focusing his attention on his phone . He looked through the menu , checked the ingredients , when he heard someone talking .
"Which one is yours ?"
He looked up in surprise , seeing a man standing a few feet away with a small dog on a leash .
"Oh , ehm , all three , actually ." Louis smiled a bit , the man smiled back , "Oh wow . Must be tough raising three big dogs ."
"Tough but fun ." Louis nodded .
"I used to have a big dog when I was a kid , his name was Rex . He was lovely ."
"That's nice ." Louis shifted his legs a bit ; he wasn't sure why the man was talking to him , but didn't want to be rude about it .
The man must've noticed his slight discomfort , he gave Louis one last smile , "I'd better get going . It was nice talking to you ." He said and left before Louis could say anything else .
It was a few days later , Louis walked with Odin into a diner to shield them from the rain . He ordered a small cup of hot chocolate and a muffin , sitting at a booth with Odin . He took his phone out to call Harry .
"Hey baby , everything okay ?"
"Yeah , it's just -- it's pouring rain outside , and I was walking with Odin ." He bit his lower lip , "I was wondering if there's anyone who could pick us up ? I'll text you my location ."
"Of course , some guards are out on a ride around the city , I'll send the closest ones ."
"Thanks Hazzie ."
"Text me when you get in the car with them ."
They ended the call , Louis pinned his location as he waited for Harry to tell him the names of the guards picking him up .
"What are you drinking ?"
Louis looked up , surprised to see the same man from a few days earlier . "Just -- just hot chocolate ."
"Nice ." The man nodded , sitting on a bar stool sideways to face him . "This is one of the dogs from the other day , right ?"
Louis nodded silently . Odin shifted closer to him when he sensed his uneasiness .
"What's his name ?"
"Odin ."
"Oh , like the god . Nice ." The man nodded .
Louis nodded aswell and sipped on his drink , looking outside the window .
"Waiting for anyone ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , sighing in relief when he saw a Range Rover pulling up outside . He grabbed his paper cup and muffin , "Yes , sorry , my - my ride is here ." He stood up from the booth with Odin following .

Don't Mess With The Wrong Person - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)
أدب الهواةHarry runs the city , Louis makes him soft . Mess with Louis and you're in for it . ~~ Started off as an Imagine in my other book , but readers loved it so much I decided to make it a ficlet 🚨There's no chronological order for the parts , some are...