Harry runs the city , Louis makes him soft . Mess with Louis and you're in for it .
Started off as an Imagine in my other book , but readers loved it so much I decided to make it a ficlet
🚨There's no chronological order for the parts , some are...
Louis held Harry's arm with his hand as they walked into the tattoo parlor ; he was going to get his first tattoo and he was nervous for it .
The manager of the parlor waited for them at the front , she approached them with a smile , "Good to have you back , Mr. Styles ." She reached out to shake Harry's hand .
Harry shook her hand , "Good to be back . This is Louis , my boyfriend . It's his first tattoo today ."
The manager shook Louis' hand , "I'm Carmen , I'm the manager . I've known Harry for a long time now , he'd helped me out years ago . Owe him a lot ever since ." She said with a friendly smile , "Alright now . Should we go sketch your tattoos ?"
"Lead the way ." Harry nodded , taking Louis' hand in his as they walked behind her into one of the rooms .
Carmen sat at a desk in front of the computer , beside her there was a tablet and a pen . "Do you have ideas or you're looking for ones ?"
Harry took a chair and placed it next to Carmen , gently nudging Louis at the hip to sit down while he stood behind him , arms resting on the back of the chair .
Louis shifted in his seat a bit , "I - I have an idea for my tattoo ." He said , "I'm a dog trainer , so I was thinking of getting a pawprint tattoo ."
"I like that , sounds cool ." Carmen nodded with a smile , "I have some sketches already if you'd like to see ?"
"Please ." Louis nodded , Carmen opened a folder and showed Louis some sketches of pawprints . Louis leaned closer to the computer screen and examined the sketches , before pointing to one of them , "I like this one ." It was a sketch of a cartoon pawprint , the middle pad in the shape of a heart .
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Carmen moved the sketch to the tablet and grabbed the pen , "Anything you'd want to add to it ? Change anything about the sketch ?"
Louis looked down at the tablet screen for a few seconds before shaking his head , "No , just like this ." He then turned his head to Harry , who was watching the two . "Do you like it ?"
"It's your tattoo , baby ." Harry brushed his hair from his forehead , "But yes , I do like it ."
"What size do you want it ? And where is the tattoo going to be ?" Carmen asked .
"I don't want it to be too big , I want it on my ankle ." Louis said , Carmen nodded and made a few sizes of the pawprint , before sending it to the printer .
"Alright , your turn Mr. Styles ." Carmen said , Louis stood up from the chair to let Harry sit down , Harry took Louis' seat but brought him into his lap before he could step away .