Summary : Louis surprises Harry on his business trip .
Enjoy x
Harry smiled down at his phone , going through the pictures and videos that Louis sent him ; some cute selfies , mirror selfies , pictures with the dogs , videos from training with the dogs .
He was away on a business trip , currently he was in Slovakia , on his twelveth day of the trip out of fourteen . He just finished preparing his luggage to move on to the next location , Budapest .
He rolled his luggage out of his room and handed it over to his guards as he called Louis' number .
"Hi Hazzie ."
"Hey baby . Everything okay ?"
"Yeah , just the same . I'm on my way to meet up with Niall at the park , he's bringing iced chocolate and cupcakes with him ."
"Sounds lovely . Are you taking the pups with you ?"
"I took Odin , Apollo , Chess and Zeus ." Louis said , "Rocco is still recovering , so I'm going to wait longer with taking him out of the closed area ."
"Okay . Stay safe , call Liam for anything . Call me for anything aswell ."
"Are you still in Slovakia ?"
"Getting ready to leave now . We have a few hours drive to Budapest , we'll spend the next day and a half there , then I'm flying right back home to you ."
"I can't wait to see you again . I miss you ."
"I miss you more ." Harry smiled , "I need to hang up now , we're leaving ."
"Please text tme when you get to Budapest safely ."
"I promise . Love you baby ."
"Love you Hazzie ."
They hung up , Harry went into his bulletproof car and got into the backseat with his laptop .
They reached Budapest hours later and went into a business meeting without stopping at their Hotel . The meeting took longer than expected and they left around eleven thirty p.m .
Harry texted Louis before entering the meeting , seeing that Louis texted back . He sent him a quick 'goodnight' text and went into the Hotel with his guards , handing them each their room cards and telling them to meet him outside his room at seven a.m sharp .
They split up , Harry went to his room and swiped the card to open the door . He slowly opened the door , freezing when he heard the faint sound of the TV on . He left his luggage outside by the door and took his gun out of his belt , cocking it before entering the room .
Some of the lights were on , he walked deeper in and opened the closets to make sure there was no one inside . He walked into the main area , seeing there was a cup on the living room table . He looked over to the master bedroom , where the TV sound was coming from .
He slowly walked over with his gun held up in front of him , making his steps as quiet as he could . He walked into the room , and the sight made his heart leap in his chest .
Louis , his Louis , was laying in bed , asleep and wearing one of Harry's shirts , as the TV played some random cartoons . He let out a breath and disarmed his gun , leaving it on the TV dresser as he walked around the bed .
He sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on the mattress for balance , his other hand going to Louis' cheek . He caressed his soft skin , not even trying to push back the smile that spread on his lips .
Louis stirred and opened his eyes , once his mind was focused and he saw that Harry was there , he smiled and wrapped his hand around Harry's wrist from where his hand was on his cheek . "Hazzie . Surpriseee ." He said sleepily as his smile grew , then he pouted , "I wanted to be awake and properly surprise you but I was really tired and fell asleep ."
Harry couldn't help the light laugh escaping his lips , he leaned in and kissed him , "I have so many fucking questions , baby ."
"In a bit . Now it's surprise time ." Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and brought him down into a cuddle . Harry wrapped his arms around Louis under his back , he breathed in his scent and sat up , bringing Louis with him .
"How did you get here ? Who helped ? Who knows you're here ? Does Liam know ? Who flew with you -- did you fly on your own ? Who --"
"Slow down ." Louis pulled back from the cuddle and let out a giggle , "I'll tell you everything . But you have to shower first ."
"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me . Who do I need to fire ? Do I need to shoot anyone ?"
Louis slapped his arm , "Stop it already . Mitch helped me with flight stuff , Laura and Liam helped me too . Liam said that if I wanted to surprise you then I have to follow his lead , so I flew here with Paul and four guards ."
"Who are the guards ."
"Flynn and Greg from security , Isaac and Anthony from SWAT ."
"Did my guards know ? The ones who are here with me ."
"Yeah , they told us the location of the Hotel and your schedule ."
Harry scanned Louis quickly , stopping when Louis cupped his face , "I'm alright , I promise . Just tired . Go shower now , you're not getting in bed before you shower ." He gave him a light nudge .
"Kiss me ." Harry leaned in and pressed his lips to Louis' , Louis smiled into the kiss and brought Harry closer , before completely pushing him away using his hands and legs , "Go shower already ."
Harry stood up from the bed and went back to where he left his luggage out of the room , rolling the two suitcases into the bedroom . He walked to the bathroom , throwing his clothes off on the way . He showered quickly , dried and dressed in boxers , before getting in bed with Louis .
Louis was half asleep , stirring awake when Harry lifted the covers and laid next to him . He moved closer and cuddled up to Harry's chest , Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and kissed the top of his head , "I need to wake up early tomorrow ."
"Yeah I figured ." Louis sighed , "It's okay though , I'll busy myself for the day ." He lifted his head up and smiled , "I have another surprise ."
"Tell me ."
"I rented us a cabin on an island in Croatia , for when you're done with the business trip ." He traced Harry's jaw , "What do you say ?"
"Full of surprises , aren't you ?" Harry leaned in and kissed him , "Sounds incredible , baby ."
"Good ." Louis smiled , "Now it's sleepy time , I'm really tired ."
Harry stole one more kiss , "Good night baby ."
"Good night . Don't make too much noise when you wake up ." Louis turned his back to Harry so they were spooning .
Hope you liked it x

Don't Mess With The Wrong Person - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)
FanfictionHarry runs the city , Louis makes him soft . Mess with Louis and you're in for it . ~~ Started off as an Imagine in my other book , but readers loved it so much I decided to make it a ficlet 🚨There's no chronological order for the parts , some are...