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Summary : Louis has a love-hate relationship with Harry's scruff .

Enjoy x


Louis slowly woke up to a hand rubbing his back , he took his time to open his eyes and smiled when he was met with Harry's neck .

"Good morning ." Harry pressed a kiss to his forehead .

"Morning ." Louis said , his voice rough from sleep . He shuffled closer to Harry's body and pressed his face into his neck , sighing softly in content when Harry held him closer and pulled the blankets up higher to keep him warm .

"Did you sleep well ?" Harry asked quietly as he continued rubbing Louis' back , tracing up and down with his fingertips .

"Yeah . I was so comfy . Missed you a lot ."

Harry returned from twelve days of an operation , where they didn't see each other . They managed to sneak a few phone calls and about two video calls , other than that they were completely separated from their lover .

"I missed you too ." Harry squeezed him and kissed his head , "The little notes you leave in my pockets are the cutest thing , though ."

Louis smiled , "I was hoping it'd cheer you up ."

"It did . I love the notes ."

They laid questly for a bit longer , before Louis pulled back a bit from the cuddle and looked up at Harry , nose scrunching a bit , "You should shave ."

"I thought you liked the scruff ." Harry smirked a bit .

"Yeah , because it looks good on you . But you gave me beard burns ." Louis showed him his collarbones and the bottom of his neck at the shoulders . "That and my thighs , Hazzie . It's sting-y now ."

"I'll kiss it better ." Harry rolled them over so he was ontop of Louis , he kissed at the burns gently , then moved up to kiss his neck and tickle him with his beard .

"H-Hey -- no stop ." Louis laughed , wiggling to make Harry stop . "Ow Oww !"

Harry smirked and pulled back from his neck , tickling at his sides and stomach instead . He stopped and shook his head , "You know , I managed to finally differ between you saying 'ow' because you're hurt , and you saying 'ow' because you can't stand tickles ."

"I-It's the same 'ow' , tickles hurt ." Louis giggled and pushed Harry off , "We need to shower , and you need to shave ."

"And what if I don't shave ." Harry laid on his back with his arms crossed behind his head , watching as Louis stood up from bed . His eyes trailed over Louis' naked back , bum and legs , biting his lower lip .

"Then I'll shave your scruff and your head ." Louis turned to look at him , then lifted his leg up a bit to show him his thigh , "Burns , Hazzie ."

Harry rolled out of bed and joined Louis in the shower , they took their time washing and helping each other out .

Louis wrapped himself in a robe and wiped his face , then took out eye patches from his drawer . He put the eye patches on and brushed his teeth , smiling at Harry through the mirror .

Harry joined him with a towel wrapped around his waist , he brushed his teeth then took out a new razor and shaving cream , applying the cream on his face .

Louis jumped up to sit on the counter as he watched him , Harry finished with his neck and gave Louis a smile , "You look cute with the eye patches ."

"You look cute always ." Louis reached his hand out and booped his nose , then squealed when Harry leaned in and tried to kiss him with his face full of shaving cream .

"Piss off ." Louis laughed and pushed him away .

Harry finished shaving and washed his face , letting Louis apply cream on his face and neck .

"Now kiss me ." Harry brought him closer and kissed him , Louis smiled and wrapped his arms around his neck , cradling his head to keep him close .


Hope you liked it x


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