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Summary : Just after Harry's and Louis' first kiss (which was on their first date) . Harry is a bit too obsessed with kissing Louis .

Few Notes :

1) This part is nothing but pure cuteness and fluff , bear in mind

2) Now that it's been long enough , I can share with you that earlier this month I flew out to Harry's show in Poland and had the time of my life , sat so close to him and gaah he's real and handsome I loved every moment

Enjoy x


Harry parked outside Louis' apartment and walked up to his front door , knocking softly . The two were having another date night , this time at Louis' apartment - to Louis' request .

The two hadn't seen each other at all the past week , and Harry couldn't wait for Louis to open the door ; he'd been thinking too much about having Louis in his arms , letting himself loosen up talking to him , making him smile and laugh - kissing him .

Ever since their first kiss on the yacht he'd felt as if he was addicted ; Louis tasted so sweet , his lips were even softer than he'd imagined . He loved when Louis made soft noises into the kiss , loved when he giggled because Harry was kissing him for too long .

Louis unlocked the door and opened it , his cheeks were pink with blush as he smiled at Harry , "Hey ."

Harry smiled back , he was about to take a step towards Louis though stopped when Odin jumped on his legs . He was only three months old , so he wasn't too large yet .

"Odin , off ." Louis pulled him away , "Sorry about him . Guess he missed you ." He stepped back into the apartment , Harry followed the two and closed the door behind him , locking it .

"Is he the only one who missed me ?" Harry asked as he shrugged his blazer off , smirking when he made Louis blush deeper .

"I'll go put him in the guest room so he wouldn't bother us ." Louis said as he picked Odin up in his arms , pressing a kiss to his head as he disappeared down the hallway .

Harry took the time to take his belt off from around his hips , leaving it on the dining table along with his phone .

Louis walked back to the main area of the kitchen and living room , his cheeks still pink . He shyly made his way over to Harry , "Do you want some coffee , maybe ? Well I , I actualy bought a wine bottle , but I thought I'd still ask --"

Harry walked over to him and put his arms around him , leaning down to kiss him to cut him off . Louis smiled into the kiss , hands holding Harry's arms as he let Harry kiss him for a bit .

The kiss stopped when Louis ducked his head down a bit shyly , disconnecting their lips . His forehead pressed against Harry's chin , "Hey ."

"Hey again ." Harry smiled and kissed his forehead , "Where's the wine bottle , I'll open it for us ."

Louis walked into the kitchen , he took the bottle sitting on the counter and handed it to Harry . Harry took the bottle and grabbed a bottle opener from one of the drawers , quickly popping it open while Louis took out two glasses .

Don't Mess With The Wrong Person - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now