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Summary : Someone mails Harry pictures .

Enjoy x


Harry walked out of the building with Liam by his side , the two were on the way to the training range to train with the new guns that Harry purchased .

"Mr. Styles , you're needed at the front gates ."

Harry took his radio out of his belt , "What is it ?"

"There's an envelope with your name on it . Quite suspicious ."

"I'll be there in five ." Harry said and motioned Liam to follow him as he pivoted towards the front gates . "Has anyone opened it ?"

"No Sir ."

"Good . Don't do anything with it ."

Harry and Liam reached the front gates , where a group of guards were waiting . Greg , one of the guards , handed Harry the envelope , "Victor already started investigating on who mailed it ."

"Who found it ?"

"I did , Sir ." Olly , another guard , raised his hand , "I was on my shift in the security checkpoint booth , and some kid stopped by and handed it over . He ran away , Victor ordered to find him ."

Harry examined the envelope ; it was brown paper , sealed with tape , his name was written on it with a black sharpie . He tried feeling it's content through the envelope , it felt like a book , or a bunch of carton papers .

He took his knife out of his belt and cut the top open , holding it away from his face - just in case it had toxic powder in it that he could accidentally inhale .

He looked inside and reached his hand in , pulling out a stock of pictures . He let go of the envelope and flipped the stock to see the pictures , feeling his heart skipping a beat . His blood boiled more and more with every picture he saw .

Louis was in every picture ; walking down the streets of the city , at the park , driving his car , shopping at stores . In every picture there was a red X mark across Louis' face .

Harry took his radio out as he and Liam raced to their Range Rovers , "All units we have a situation - the castle is crumbling . Louis is out in the city , I need someone to find him ."

Harry got into his Range Rover and quickly switched it on , pulling out of the parking spot with a screech of the wheels . He took his phone out and called Louis .

"Hey Hazzie ."

"Baby where are you ? We have a situation ."

"O-Oh -- I'm at the shopping centre , at the pet store . What's going on ?"

Harry took a deep breath . "I don't want to scare you , baby , I --"

"Harry you do realize I'm already scared , right ?" Louis cut him off , "Just tell me ."

Harry took a few seconds to collect his thoughts and choose his words . "Someone has been following you around the city , we don't know for how long . They mailed pictures of you with red X's on your face in every picture ."

Louis was silent on the other line .

"Don't move , don't go anywhere , the guards and I will be there soon . I'm three minutes away from where you are ." Harry said and pressed down on the gas pedal . "Baby talk to me . Let me hear you ."

Don't Mess With The Wrong Person - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now