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Summary : Harry is soft only for Louis and people think it's weird as fuck .

Enjoy x


Harry was in the armory with Victor , Liam and a dozen guards , the group was working on cleaning the guns and oiling them for the upcoming operation .

There was a buzz from the double doors , everyone turned their heads when the door creaked open , seeing Louis walking into the room .

Louis blushed under the attention and gave them a light smile and a wave , making a beeline to Harry .

"Hey baby ." Harry leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead , his hands dirty with gunpowder and oil as he used a rag to wipe them a bit . "Everything okay ?"

"Yeah , all good . The pups are ready for tomorrow , and the van in all packed ." Louis nodded , his voice quiet to keep the conversation between them . "Will you be free for dinner ?"

"For you ? Always ." Harry smiled as he placed another clean gun aside , "Want to go out or ask Rod ?"

"Can we order from Rod and eat at home ?" Louis asked quietly , almost a whisper .

Harry gave him an amused smile , "Why are you so quiet ? Hm ? You shy ?" He asked , poking at his tummy and sides . 

Louis squirmed away and grabbed his hand , cheeks covered in blush , "Stop it ."

Harry scrunched his nose and grabbed Louis' chin , pressing a noisy kiss to his lips , "Never ."

The guards pretended to ignore the couple , one looked at his friend from across the table , mouthing what the fuck with wide eyes .



Harry finished a tour around the office building for the new guards , he shook Victor's hand and moved back to let him speak with the guards . He leaned back against his Rover , arms crossed over his chest as he scanned the guards one by one .

He saw Louis from the corner of his eye , walking out of the office building and headed to the pavilion . He brought his hands to his mouth and let out a loud whistle to catch Louis' attention , Louis turned his head and gave him a tired smile .

Harry motioned him with his hand to come over , Louis walked over to him , "Hey ."

"Hey ." Harry placed his hands on his hips , sliding them up a bit to his waist as he scanned him over . "Did something happen ?"

Louis smiled a bit , "I'm just tired . Haven't slept very well the past two days and it's catching up on me ." Louis said , his smile growing a bit when Harry used his palm to check his temperature , then pressed his lips to his forehead .

"Go up to the secret room , have a shower and a nap ." Harry told him , Louis sighed and nodded , "I might , I just have some things to finish at the pavilion ."

Harry wrapped his arms around him , holding him to his chest . Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders and closed his eyes as he pressed his face to Harry's neck . Harry squeezed him closer to keep holding him , while he listened to Victor speaking to the guards .

Harry couldn't care less about the guards watching ; he kissed Louis' head , rubbed his back , spoke quietly in his ear . He hoped they were watching closely , hoped they knew not to mess with Louis if they knew what's good for them .



Harry parked the Range Rover at his private carpark , then hurried to the passenger's seat to help Louis out , since he was still using crutches due to the injury in his leg .

Harry opened the passenger door , Louis smiled at him , "Help me out , prince charming ." He held his hand out , Harry scrunched his nose fondly and instead wrapped his arms around Louis' back and under his knees , lifting him out of the seat and placing him carefully on his feet .

Louis giggled a bit , giving Harry's arm a light squeeze as he was placed down . He kept a hold on Harry's arm for balance while Harry grabbed his crutches from the car .

"Thanks , hubby ." He smiled as he balanced himself with the crutches .

Harry walked by his side , hand on his lower back as they walked over to the entrance of the office building . There were ten stairs leading to the front automatic doors , and without asking Harry leaned down to pick Louis up .

"Harry no -- I can walk ." Louis used his crutch to shoo him away , Harry gave him an unamused look . "No ."

"Yes . Go away , I'm walking up the stairs - either help me walk or go away ." Louis blushed ; so many people were walking past them into the building and the last thing he wanted was to pull more attention .

"Baby you're still injured ." Harry tried to insist as Louis took the first two steps , Louis turned to look at him and stuck his tongue out , then turned back to the stairs to continue his way up .

Harry followed him , hand on his back as he watched him to make sure he was okay .

"I'm not completely incapable , you know ." Louis side-eyed him .

Harry moved to stand in front of him , hands on his waist , "I never said that you are ."

"You're acting like it , though ."

"I love doing these little things for you . Let me ."

"I don't like pulling any more attention than we already do ." 

"If anyone looks for more than two seconds I'll shoot them ."

Louis huffed and tried walking around Harry , Harry chuckled a bit and wrapped his arms around him to pull him into a hug , "I'm joking ." He pressed his smile to Louis' hair and kissed the top of his head .

Louis looked up at Harry , still inside the cuddle , "So when you're injured , will you let me carry you aswell ?" He asked jokingly .

"Oh I'd love to see you try , baby ." Harry kissed him quickly .

Two of the receptionists were watching from behind the desk , "Oh my god I'd better find a man like him ."


Hope you liked it x


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