Bloody Nose

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Summary : Louis accidentally gives Harry a bloody nose .

Enjoy x


Harry watched with pride and a smirk on his lips as Louis trained with guns ; they were at the guns training range , Louis had headphones and clear protective glasses on , as the trainer helped him with different guns .

Louis turned around to look at Harry while the trainer fetched another gun , he gave Harry a smile and moved his headphones off , "I wonder why you look at me like this ." He teased .

"You're really fucking hot , baby ." Harry winked , "I've dreamed of the days I'd see you with guns ."

"You're weird ." Louis giggled and put the headphones back on as the trainer returned with another gun .

The trainer helped Louis position the gun against his shoulder , making sure his grip was strong enough .

Harry , even though he trusted the trainer , walked closer and pressed his palm to Louis' shoulder for more resistance .

Louis struggled a bit to put the magazine in the gun , he smacked the bottom to click it in and loaded the gun , holding the gun with both hands again . He took a few seconds to aim before shooting , huffing when he missed the target .

He shot a few times before shaking his head , "My arms are tired ." He said , the trainer helped him disarm the gun and then took it away .

Harry wrapped an arm around him from behind and pressed a kiss to the crook of his neck , "Proud of you , baby ."

Louis shook him off half-heartedly with a smile , "Piss off ."

Harry held him closer with both arms and pressed a smooch to his neck , "Stay here , I'll be right back ."

"Where are you going ?" Louis asked as he watched him go into the armory , seconds later he returned with a gun .

"This is a Uzi . I think it'll be good for you ." Harry said as he helped Louis with the gun , Louis shot a few times and nodded , "It's good ."

"It's yours , I'll get your name carved on it ." Harry said as he helped him disarm , Louis giggled as he took the gun and positioned it up on his shoulder , gasping when he accidentally hit Harry in the face , hard .

"Oh my god !!" Louis put the gun down on the table and turned to Harry , "I'm so sorry !!"

"It's alright , baby ." Harry reassured him , "See ? Nothing happened ."

Louis took off Harry's glasses and headphones , "Are you sure ?"

"I'm sure , baby ." Harry kissed his forehead .

Louis took off his headphones and glasses and put them on the table next to Harry's , he turned back to Harry and his heart skipped a beat , "Oh no ." He whined a bit .

Harry wiped under his nose , seeing blood on his finger . He gave Louis a smile , "Who knew you're so strong , baby ."

"I'm so sorry ." Louis gave him a sad look , Harry wiped under his nose again as more blood dripped , "No worries , baby , it wasn't on purpose ."

Louis took Harry's hand and walked with him out of the training range , they crossed the parking lot to the dogs' pavilion . Louis took Harry to the lounge and pulled out the first aid kit , taking out gauze and handing it to Harry .

Harry held it to his nose with his clean hand , while watching fondly as Louis cleaned his other hand that had blood on it . "Baby ." He gave him a smile , "Look at me ."

Louis looked at Harry , the sad look still present on his face , "I didn't mean to ."

"I know , I'm not mad ." Harry held his chin , "I'm actually impressed . Love a good bloody nose ."

"Stop being a psycho ." Louis pouted as he went to throw the blood-stained cloth in the garbage , he walked back to Harry and carefully removed Harry's hand from his nose to see if there was a bruise .

"I'm alright , I promise . A bloody nose wouldn't kill me ." Harry pulled Louis closer and into his lap , pressing a kiss to his cheek . "And even if it did I'd come back ."

"Oh my god , Harry ."


Hope you liked it x


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