TikTok -part 5

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Summary : More of these little moments you guys seem to just obsess over .

Yesterday's post was short so here's another one .

Enjoy x


Louis was laying in bed on his front as he waited for Harry to join him for a cuddle . He pouted when he realized Harry was taking too long for his liking , so he opened his front camera and started recording himself .

"Oh my god , he's so hot ." He said , a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing and ruining his prank . "He looks so good , what the heck ."

It only took a few seconds before he felt the bed dipping behind him , Harry crawling into bed to hover above him with a hard frown on his face as he looked down at Louis' phone .

Louis turned his phone to Harry , who saw himself in the front camera .

"Look , isn't he just a handsome man ? So hot ." Louis grinned , laughing when Harry's face muscles hadn't moved an inch .

"Hazzieee ." Louis leaned his phone on the pillow and turned to lay on his back to look up at Harry , he poked his cheeks where his dimples were supposed to be . "So grumpy ." He giggled .


Louis stood in the kitchen , his hand bent backwards to massage his back .

"Hazzie ." He whined a bit , Harry walked into the kitchen , "What's up , baby ."

"My back hurts , can you help me pop it ?" He pouted at him , Harry put his hand on Louis' small back and massaged a bit , "Where does it hurt ?"

"My spine , kind of where my shoulders are ." He pointed his hand behind his back , "I saw this video where I cross my arms and you wrap your arms around my arms , then lift me up backwards and it pops the back and it stops hurting ."

"I don't think so , baby . I'll give you a massage if it hurts ." Harry suggested .

Louis pouted , "Can we atleast try ? It won't do any harm to try ."

Harry sighed , "Come here ."

Louis turned his back to Harry and crossed his arms over his shoulders , Harry wrapped his arms around his small body and lifted him up , leaning backwards . His heart skipped a beat when he heard a cracking sound and then Louis went limp .

"Shit --" He put Louis down , though Louis' legs gave in and he fell to the floor with Harry following . He turned Louis over , keeping his arm around Louis as his other hand cupped his face , "Shit , baby --"

Louis couldn't hold himself even for ten seconds , he opened his eyes and started laughing , his hand covering his mouth so he wouldn't spit out the uncooked pasta in his mouth , which he used for the cracking sound .

Harry stared down at him for a few seconds , then looked up at the counter , where he saw Louis' phone ; fucking TikTok .

"I'm s-sorry , Hazzie , oh my god you were so worried ." Louis laughed , wrapping his arms around Harry's shoulders to hug him .

"What the fuck , baby ." Harry wrapped his arms around him , "What the fuck was that sound ."

"It's uncooked pasta ." Louis pulled back , he finished chewing what was in his mouth and stood up , going to the pantry . He came back with a piece of penne pasta and put it in his mouth , crushing it with his teeth to make the cracking sound .

"You made me think I snapped your back ." Harry crossed his arms over his chest .

"Yeah , that's called a prank , Hazzie ." Louis grinned .

Harry let out a sigh through his nose , before he stood up from the floor and marched towards Louis . Louis let out a squeal and ran away laughing , with Harry chasing him out of the kitchen .


"Please , Hazzie . Please ." Louis pouted , his hands wrapped around Harry's bicep , "I promise it's not a prank , it's a challenge and I want us to try ."

Harry eyed him for a few seconds , before he gave in with a sigh . "Alright ."

Louis grinned and squeezed his arm , then ran into the bathroom . He returned with two towels and handed Harry one , "Here . Hold both ends of the towel in your hands ."

Harry did as told , Louis hooked his towel around Harry's , holding it's ends in his hands aswell . "Now , the challenge is to untangle from each other ."

Harry looked down at the two towels , then lowered down a bit to let Louis step over his towel . He moved back up with his arm over Louis' head , though it brought them back to the same spot .

Louis pouted a bit , then lifted his towel up and over Harry's head , going around him to stand behind him . "Ugh , still no ." He returned to the front .

"Come here ." Harro lowered his towel again , Louis pouted , "No , we tried that already ."

"Baby go , I think I figured it out ." 

Louis stepped over the towel , Harry pressed a quick kiss to his cheek , "Now you lower your towel down a bit ." He said , then stepped over Louis' towel carefully .

Louis let out a soft gasp as he moved his towel up and over Harry's head , along with his arms - and the two were untangled from each other .

"No way !" Louis threw his towel away and jumped into Harry's arms , hugging him around his neck , "Hazzie we did it !"

Harry let go of his towel to hold Louis in his arms , he smiled and pressed a kiss to his head , "Finally a TikTok video that doesn't involve pranking me ."


Hope you liked it x


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