Summary : Harry watches Louis training Mint's puppies .
Enjoy x
It'd been three months since Mint gave birth to six puppies ; four males and two females . Two weeks ago Louis started training the puppies , starting slowly with the basic commands .
Harry had his laptop open in front of him on the table , though he couldn't focus on anything that wasn't Louis with a puppy .
Louis was standing in front of Sasha , one of the female puppies . The little puppy was slowly following Louis' orders , munching on the treats he gave her for succeeding .
"Sasha ." Louis used his clicker to catch her attention . "Down ."
Sasha kept her eyes on the treat pinched between Louis' fingers , Louis slowly guided her down to lay on her front . "Stay ." He took his hand off her back and waited a few seconds , giving her the treat after seeing she was staying still .
Harry loved watching Louis with the dogs ; with him , Louis was always soft and let Harry be the one in charge . Most of the time , atleast . With the dogs , Louis wore on his confidence and leadership skills , ordering around and taking control .
Louis took Sasha back to her cell , a minute later returning with Tony , one of the male puppies . He repeated the same commands to him , gave him treats for being good , guided him around to help him understand the commands .
Harry tried focusing on his laptop again , though kept glancing back to Louis every minute or so . He distracted him so easily without even meaning to .
Louis finished his session with Tony and put him back in the puppies' cell , then returned to where Harry was sitting . He sat at the round table and took his notebook , writing down his notes about the training progress with Sasha and Tony .
"I love seeing you with the pups ."
Louis looked up and gave Harry a smile , "I could feel your eyes on me . You're not very subtle ."
"I wasn't trying to be ."
Louis huffed out a laugh and closed his notebook , tucking the pen in it's spine , "Of course you weren't ." He left the notebook on the table and left the room , returning with Nella , one of the female puppies .
Harry had had enough of trying to work , realizing it just wasn't working , so he closed his laptop and leaned back in his seat , arms crossed on his chest as he watched Louis with Nella .
Louis caught Harry staring shamelessly , his cheeks turned a bit pink though he kept his focus on Nella .
Once finished with their session , Louis picked Nella up and walked over to Harry , "What a productive day you're having ." He teased , handing Nella for Harry to hold .
Harry took the puppy from his hands , holding her with one large hand cupping her tiny body , "I was conducting an experiment ." He said as he scratched gently under Nella's chin .
"An experiment ."
"I was trying to see if I could focus on my work while having you with a puppy in the same room as me ." Harry looked down at Nella , "The results are that I'm hopeless ."
"So silly ." Louis sighed , though his blush deepened . "I could've guessed the results before the experiment even started , to be honest ." Louis took Nella from Harry's arms and sat in Harry's lap .
"That I agree . Still wanted to give it a try ." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis , "Are you done with all of the puppies ?"
"Yeah , Nella was the last one . My good girl ." Louis pet her and kissed her head . "Want to help me feed them ? And the grown-up pups too ."
"Let's go ."
Short , hope you liked it x

Don't Mess With The Wrong Person - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy)
FanfictionHarry runs the city , Louis makes him soft . Mess with Louis and you're in for it . ~~ Started off as an Imagine in my other book , but readers loved it so much I decided to make it a ficlet 🚨There's no chronological order for the parts , some are...