Uncle Louis And Uncle Harry

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Summary : Niall and Amelia have a baby .

Enjoy x


Louis' arm was wrapped around a small teddy bear that was wearing a blue shirt with the words Baby Boy written on the front , his other arm linked with Harry's arm as they walked into the hospital .

"I can't believe Nialler is a dad ." Louis gushed over his best friend , "Oh my god , Milly is a mummy too ."

Harry smiled as he lead them into the elevator , he pressed the button to the floor Niall gave him and pulled Louis a bit closer to wrap his arm around him , "I'm guessing you're excited to see them , then ?"

"Oh I wonder what gave it away , mister ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully and smiled , he leaned into Harry's chest , "I'm so excited ."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened , the couple walked through the corridors until they reached Amelia's room . Louis knocked on the door , hearing Niall say come in .

He opened the door and a grin spread on his lips at the sight of Niall , he looked tired but had a wide grin on his face .

"Oi oi !" Louis wrapped his best friend in a tight cuddle , Niall squeezed him and picked him up off his feet , "Oi oiii !"

"You look tired , have you managed to rest ?" Louis pulled back from the cuddle .

"I've managed to squeeze about two hours , but I'm just so happy , lad ." Niall assured him , turning to greet Harry while Louis went over to Amelia .

"How do you look so good after giving birth ?" Louis joked , Amelia laughed , "I certainly don't feel like my best , but thank you nontheless ."

"You're gorgeous ." Louis pressed a kiss to her cheek and moved back to put the teddy bear next to her , and let Harry greet her aswell .

"Alright , I'm going to get the little lad , be right back ." Niall pointed his thumb back and left the room .

Louis sat with Amelia on her bed , "How was the birthing ?" He held her hand .

"I was so scared , Lou , you don't understand ." Amelia shook her head , "After I took the Epidural it was a lot more bearable but it still felt so scary . It took me about nine hours to dilate enough to start pushing , bless Nialler for being there . Well up until I started pushing , poor Ni thought he was so strong until he saw the head coming out ."

Louis covered his mouth as he laughed , "I was about to ask about him , if he was with you . Poor kid ." He giggled .

"I was pushing the baby out and had to comfort him while doing so , can you believe him ." Amelia laughed with him . "But then the baby was out and he cried and everything felt perfect , my healthy boy is just perfect ."

The door opened and Niall walked into the room , rolling the cart with the baby inside . Louis felt the air leaving his lungs as he stood up from the bed , his hand immediately reaching out for Harry to ground himself . Harry smiled at his reaction and held his hand tightly , giving it a squeeze .

Louis walked closer to the cart , pulling Harry along . He looked down at the baby and held his hand to his chest , "Oh he's absolutely adorable ." He whispered .

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