A Walk With The Dogs

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Summary : Louis takes two of the guard dogs he's training out for a walk ,when someone tries approaching .

Enjoy x


Louis smiled as he clipped on the two leashes , one for Odin , and another one for Apollo . Both were trained as guard dogs , with their vests on . Odin was a black German Shepherd , and Apollo was a brown Doberman . Both were large and looked intimidating ; to Louis , they were his babies .

He grabbed the two leashes in one hand as he walked out of the pavilion where all the guard dogs he trained were staying - except for Odin , he was his own dog - , while fishing his phone out with his other hand .

He speed-dialed Harry's number and said 'thank you' to Evan when he held the gate open for him to walk out to the street .

"Hi baby ."

"Hey Hazzie , I just took Odin and Apollo with me ."

"Alright love , where are you headed ?"

"Not too sure yet , just out for a walk really . Probably to the park . Also I want to say hi to Niall and get some hot chocolate ."

"Okay . Stay safe , text me when you reach the cafe . Call me for anything . Love you ."

"Love you ." Louis smiled before hanging up , he put his phone back in his coat pocket and took one of the leashes to his now free hand . 

The two dogs were walking right by Louis' side , as he trained them ; he commanded them along the way , to either stop and sit when they needed to wait at the crossover , or to walk closer to him when they drifted away a little bit ; he knew how the two looked and didn't want to make people uncomfortable walking around them , didn't want people to fear them .

He reached his favourite Cafe and walked in with the two dogs , standing in line and telling the two dogs to sit , to which the two obeyed . he ignored the looks he got from people sitting at the place and moved forward in line with the two dogs following , sitting again when he told them .

After giving the cashier his order he moved to the desk and smiled at Niall , "Hey Niall ."

"Hey Louis , how are you today ?" Niall asked as he made his order , the smile never leaving his lips .

"I'm good , taking my two babies out for a bit ." Louis smiled down at the two dogs , petting Apollo .

"Babies ? They look like they can snap my neck with a sniff ." Niall chuckled , making Louis laugh a little , "Oh no , not at all . They do have that look , but they're softies I promise . I trained them and they're the best ."

"It's really cool that you train them ." Niall smiled and handed him his cup , Louis thanked him and dropped the change he received into the small tip glass .

"I'll try craving hot chocolate again this week to come see you again ." Louis waved as he walked out of the place , Niall nodded , "Sounds like a plan ."

Louis walked out of the Cafe , two leashes in one hand and cup in the other . 

He huffed when he realized he didn't text Harry , so he stood off to the side and told the two dogs to sit . He put the paper cup down on a bench and took his phone out , sending Harry a text .

That was when a little kid , probably around the age of five , approached Odin and tried petting him . He quickly moved to stand in front of Odin and stopped the kid before he touched Odin .

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