The Only One

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Summary : Louis is the only one who can get away with things when it comes to Harry .

Enjoy x


Louis held the candle-lit cake as everyone sang Happy Birthday to Liam and cheered at the end , Liam grinned and blew out the candles as everyone continued to cheer .

Louis put the cake down to let Laura cut it , he went to give Liam a hug , "I hope you like the cake I picked ." 

"I'm sure I will ." Liam gave him a squeeze .

Cake pieces were handed around , Louis took a piece and went to sit next to Liam and Harry , seeing that Harry had a piece in front of him but he wasn't eating . "Aren't you going to eat your cake ?"

"I saved one for you , actually ." Harry said , smiling when Louis poked his cheek .

Liam swiped a bit off the cake with his finger and wiped it at Louis' cheek , Louis gasped and in an instinct smashed the cake in his hand into Liam's face .

Everyone around them laughed , Louis ran away from Liam when he reached out for him . Liam chased him for a bit before letting it go , taking napkins from Laura to wipe his face .

Harry handed Louis napkins to clean his face , Louis smiled at him and cleaned his cheek .

"I still have this cake if you want one ." Harry pointed to the cake in front of him on the table .

Louis , still feeling mischievous , took the cake , "Thanks Hazzie ." He said before smashing the cake into Harry's face .

Liam , Niall and Zayn barked out a laugh while everyone else around them let out gasps of disbelief , Louis laughed and moved the plastic plate off Harry's face .

Harry wiped the cake from his eyes and wiped it on a napkin , before reaching his hand out and grabbing Louis' arm to keep him from running away . Louis let out a squeal through laughter as he struggled to get free , Harry pulled him into his lap , keeping him there with one arm tightly around his waist while his other hand cupped the back of his head .

He pressed kisses to Louis' lips and cheeks , getting the cake all over Louis' face aswell while Louis laughed and pushed him away .

Niall , who'd been filming the entire thing since when Liam told him he was going to get Louis with the cake , turned his phone to show the looks of disbelief on everyone while choking back on his laughter .



I'm in the conference room . Come meet me here . x

Louis texted Harry back that he was on his way , he stuffed his phone into his pocket and made his way to the thirty second floor .

He could hear Harry talking from inside , he opened the door and froze in the entrace when he saw the room was filled with people who were sat around the long table , some sitting on chairs behind them - and all of them turned their heads to look at him .

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