New Years

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Summary : Harry and Louis celebrate the new year together .

Enjoy x


Harry stopped the car at the hotel's entrace , Louis and him stepped out and one of Harry's guards got in the driver's seat to take the car to park it .

Louis hurried over to Harry's side to stay warm , Harry wrapped his arm around him and pressed Louis to his side , "It's much warmer inside , I promise ." The couple walked into the hotel escorted by Victor and the guards , going to the elevators .

There was a New Years party held in the city , at the fanciest hotel's top floor where the guests could watch the fireworks .

They reached the top floor , Harry held Louis' hand as he walked with him through security to where the party was held ; it was a large room , one side has a buffet , the other side had a bar , the middle filled with tables .

Harry turned to Victor and nodded at him once to dismiss him , Victor nodded back and turned to the guards to give them orders . Harry turned to Louis and helped him out of his warm jacket , "Hungry ?"

"Yeah , a little bit ." Louis nodded and hung the jacket over his arm , "It kind of looks like the food here is too fancy that I don't even know what it is ."

Harry pressed his palm to Louis' lower back , "Let's go grab a table and then go see the food ."

"Can we sit close to the glass windows ? So we can watch the fireworks ." Louis asked .

"Sure baby ." Harry walked them through the room and picked a table a bit off to the side , one of the tables closest to the windows . Louis put his jacket on one of the chairs , Harry quickly took his blazer off and left it on the chair aswell , grabbing Louis' hand , "Let's go ."

Louis followed him to the buffet , Harry grabbed two small plates and handed Louis one , "Here baby , there's some sushi over there ." Harry nudged him gently , "The ones without fish are on the left ."

"Ooh ." Louis smiled and placed a few pieces on his plate , Harry got himself sushi aswell and the couple walked back to their table .

"What do you want to drink ?" Harry asked as he placed his plate on the table , "How about we start with a bit of wine ?"

"Sounds good ." Louis nodded , "Red , please ."

Harry went to the bar and ordered two glasses of red wine for them , going back to the table . Louis took one of the glasses , "Cheers ."

"Cheers ." Harry clinked their glasses together , leaning in to kiss Louis before the two sipped on their drinks . Louis blushed soft-pink and ate one of the sushi pieces on his plate , Harry watched him with a soft look on his face , "Missed you these past two weeks ."

"I missed you too ." Louis nodded , chuckling a bit when Harry pulled at his chair for Louis to sit closer to him . "How was the business trip ?"

"Productive . Got things done after waiting to finish them for months now ." Harry rubbed his hand on Louis' back , "Signed a deal with some good people who have a lot of knowledge in fighting terror groups , they'll be training us starting this month ."

"That's great ." Louis smiled , "Please stay safe , though . I mean , I know it's just training but still do ."

"I will ." Harry nodded , "We all will . Can't fight terror if I'm dead ." He smirked , laughing a bit when Louis shoved his shoulder and went back to his food .

"I don't like when you say things like this ." Louis side-eyed him , Harry leaned forward and kissed his cheek lovingly , "I know baby , I was only joking ."

"Put that on your New Years Resolution , to never say things like this around me ." Louis poked his cheek .

"Tell me your Resolutions ." Harry asked , smiling when Louis took one of the sushi pieces from his plate and fed it to him .

"I haven't thought too much about mine ." Louis sipped on his wine , "I want to train my pups more , try new things with them . I want to help you keep the city safe - though from behind the scenes , not up front that's too scary for me ."

"So no more stings ?" Harry asked playfully , Louis shrugged , "Probably not . We don't know ." He sipped more on his wine , "Now you tell me your Resolutions ." He turned a bit in his seat to face Harry .

"Spoil you rotten . Show you off . Keep you safe . Keep the city safe ." Harry listed , his eyes locked with Louis' . He smiled as the blush spread on Louis' cheeks , Louis poked his dimple , "In that order ?"

"In that order ."

The night went on , they finished their food and wine , moving on to other alcoholic drinks . Some important people in the city came over to shake Harry's hand , who made sure they knew who Louis was , keeping one of his hands on Louis' knee .

It was getting close to midnight , Louis was tipsy and moved to sit in Harry's lap as they waited for the fireworks .

"Comfy ?" Harry put his arm around his waist , Louis wrapped an arm around his shoulders and nodded , "Very . You ?"

"Always ." Harry smiled when Louis squished his cheeks , he leaned in a bit and tried to kiss him but Louis moved his head back and giggled , "Nope not yet , wait for midnight ."

"Why do I have to wait ?"

"Because I said so ."

"And what you say , goes ? Is that how it works now ?"

"That's how it has always worked , Hazzie , I thought you were brighter than that ." Louis squished his cheeks , squirming a bit when Harry pinched his waist to tickle him a bit .

"You turn even more sassy when you're drunk ."

"I'm not drunk though ."

"Right . Of course ." Harry nodded slowly , "Is that why you're in my lap in a room full of people ? Because sober you would be too shy to even let me kiss your cheek ."

Louis blushed and shrugged his shoulders , "So ? Still not drunk ."

They heard the countdown starting from twenty , Harry wrapped both arms around Louis' waist and squeezed him closer , "I love you ."

"I love you ." Louis smiled at him and pressed their foreheads together , "Cheers to a new year ."

"Cheers , baby ." Harry looked into his eyes , Louis leaned in and closed the gap between them , kissing Harry softly .

Harry held Louis closer and deepened the kiss , only stopping when Louis pulled back to watch the fireworks . He kissed Louis' cheek softly , "Beautiful , isn't it ?"

"I love fireworks ." Louis nodded .

"Kiss me some more and I'll get a fireworks show just for you ." Harry gave him a squeeze , Louis laughed and turned his head to kiss him again , "So silly ."

"I'm making it a New Year Resolution ."

"Harry , no ."

"Kiss me and I'll think about it ."


Hope you liked it x


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