Preperation Sabotaged

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It's been 10 years...the virus is still out there,spreading and infecting people...i don't remember what happened...but what i knew is this apocalypse is started by the experiment

I was a teen that time...i remember their scream for help...i remember one of our dead.

I'm now with my friends. These 7 of us in here. Second and Green is fixing our weapons. Blue preparing the foods and drinks and Chosen,Dark and Yellow is packing up in the lab.

Long story short,we eventually found the cure. The cure will destroy the virus and the zombies with a machine that located at Chosen and Dark's old lab. It's far away from our safe room. So we have to drive all the way to the lab. They're still filling the cures. Right now we have 20 of them. Not much but with one bottle,the cure will spread enough through the world. And then we're finally free and safe. Like the old times...i hope.

The day before we start the journey,i was talking with Yellow. He's my best friend. We hang out a lot.

Red: I can't wait for this apocalypse over. I have many things to do after this.

Yellow: Heh,yeah. I already see how the world is after this.

Red: *chuckle* ...hey,Yellow. What will you do after we destroy the virus and the zombies?

Yellow: Oh,me? Well...maybe just..idk. Travel around the world with you? I's looks like it's just only us here. So what else i can do here.

Red: Oh...well if that so,we two can go averywhere together! Just me and you since Blue and Green will preparing their engagement and Cho,Dark and SC is going to live their life like usual. It will be fun!

Yellow: *blush* hehe,yeah. Together... Red?

Red: Hm?

Yellow: These...something i wanted to tell you...quiet long ago

Red: Sure! What is is?

Yellow: ...R-Red...I...I-

SC: *from the distance* Red! We need your help here!

Red: Oh,wait a sec! Sorry Yellow,you can continue

Yellow: ...a-actually,maybe you should help them first. I'll tell you later.

Red: Oh okay ^^ *leaves*

Yellow: ...*sigh* maybe later...

As we're all prepared,me and SC was on our way to packing the cures. But then...

*emergency alarm sound*

SC: What the- what's happening!?

Red: *sniff* i-i smell smokes! It's from the lab!!

Then,we dashed to the lab just to see that the fire spreading across the corner. The finished cure is at the table. We quickly pack them up and ran to the truck. We didn't get to save the other cures.

We arrived to the truck and Dark started the car and drove as fast as they can away from the safe room before it exploded behind us. We all just stare...seeing the building burn into ashes...

Dark: *get out from the car* You two! What the fuck happened in there!?

SC: We...we don't know. These a fire in the lab. It burns all the cures

Red: We get the leftover. We only gets 40 bottle....

Dark: How the HELL can a fire started in the lab-


Dark: ...ugh,forget about long as you two are safe...

Blue: Did you see anyone else in there?

SC:'s only us

Green: ...there is just one conclusion...

SC: mean...

Chosen: Yes...we been sabotaged.


That's it for chapter one! Thank you so much for reading :D
Hope ya'll like them and i see you on next chapter.

See ya my bruh :]

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now