True Ending

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It's been 5 years i been alone in this world. I went to many place with a leftover truck. I exploring places around the areas. And I get this survived little companion at the forest where MT and Purple lived,Reuben the piglet. Yeah..i kinda lived at there now since i don't know where to shelter. I still have the hoodie know. As a memories.

But,guess what...? This is the last day i been here. Yep...i were dying for months. And all that time,i just wrote this story,since i can't go anywhere....and I write this story for one last time...who knows? Maybe there's someone survived at there and find this book? I guess i watch too many sci-fic story with Yellow too much back then,haha. My poor Reuben...have to lived by his own after i leave...i hope he'll survive....

Well...i have to go...thank you for reading my story...goodbye...


End of the simulation....

Player is stable,healty and dosen't have any health issues since the beginning of the simulation....

Experiment suceed: Congratulation,Player. You now can wake up

Red: wh- huh?? What's happening...?

Suddenly,i feel like something on my head. I get them off and sees myself in a lab. I was confused and look around. Then,I saw Yellow and Blue at my side.

Red: Y-Yellow...Blue...?

Yellow: Hey,buddy! You been in the simulation for long,how are you? *chuckle*

Blue: That is a new record,man! Hahah!

Red: ...*whimper* aaaaaaaaa....i thought you all were dead...Aaaaaaaaa....

Yellow: Oh shi- Red,what's wrong!?

Blue: Oh no-

Green: *slammed the door* I heard crying!!

SC: Green,don't slam the door!!

Red: SC!!! GREEN!!!!! *cry*

Green: My baby bro- who make him cry!?

Alan: A- is everything okay???

Red: *shocked* You...still alive...

Alan: Oh! *laugh* Of course i am. I guess you forgot what happened months ago,heheh.

Red: W-what...?

Chosen: *went inside* you're praticipant for this experiment,remember?

Red: Huh...?

Yellow: How about i tell you what happened-

   So months ago,Alan had create a simulation for a zombie apocalype. Me and the others were praticipants and been put into sleep for a while until we were lose in the simulation. Alan wants to know how long would each one of us will survive longer and i win.

Dark: So,yeaah. But hey,at least you're not scared of Alan and Chosen anymore *laugh*

I was sitting at there like an idiot and begin to cry again. I was so glad that it's all must a simulation. I hug all of them one by one. But i accidently kiss Yellow at the lips and embrassing myself. The simulation is still getting me. We both blushed and covered our face. We all laugh in the lab together

Happy ending,yay!! :'D

Sorry for the pain you were having just now,i wish this will fix it xD :']

Anyways,thank you so much for reading until this part. I am so glad that you guys love this story ^^

And for bonus,here's the art concept of this au :D

And for bonus,here's the art concept of this au :D

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I can't really show you the zombified one cuz

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I can't really show you the zombified one cuz...gore :']

Anyways,so long my mate ^^

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now