The War

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The day has come. This is the end of the chaos. We went to the old lab that located far away from our place. As we arrived,we look around the area. There's a lot of zombies roaming around the abandoned lab. The zombies is the infected scientist that work at there...

We were hiding at giant bushes. Redo gave a signal at us to get ready. Victim loads all of the guns and sets the grenades and explosive chemicals while I tied all the leftover potions around me using one of Blue's ripped sleeves. I cover my arms with Green's shirt so the zombie's bite won't get through my skin.

My heart is racing. I get nervous for a while,but i tried to sweep it away. Then,Redo start to sped up the truck and ran toward the zombies. The truck had many spikes around them so when the zombies gets closer,they get stabbed and sliced. Redo ran over all of them and kill almost all of them.


Red: Got it!!!

Me and Victim then grab some gernades and chemicals to throw at them. The explosions were so loud and huge,i can barely hear anything other than that. The bloods spreads everywhere and I can see the zombies body parts flew in the air along with the rotting smells that came from them.

*some zombies start to climb into the truck*

Red: *saw them at the back* Victim!!!!

Victim: *saw them and grab the swords* (keep throwing the grenades!)

Victim then start to chopping of their arms. They groan in pain and start to biting Victim's iron arm. Victim,somehow get frustrated and smashed their head one by one at the spikes. They keep coming to the truck and tried to get into the truck.

Out of the blue,one of the zombie gets to jump into the truck and started to attacked me. I've dodged them and shot them at the head few times before I continued with the grenades. I didn't scared like before anymore. Maybe because i started to fed up with the zombies after everything i been through.

After a few hours,the area started to clear as the grenade done their job. The corpes is everywhere. But it's not over...we grab some weapons and jump off from the truck. There is a second round. This time just not that much than the first one. They ran toward us and start attacking.

Red: ...this is the END... *grab a chainsaw and ran towards the zombies* aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!

I swing the chainsaw in anger and sliced them into pieces. They keep coming and I am SICK OF THEM. I was too angry to feel tired. All i wanted is to end this war. Victim and Redo were fighting with me at the back. They killed them one by one. Then,we ran towards the building before there's more zombies coming at us.

We quickly went into the backdoor. I slammed the door and locked it from the inside. We took a few breath for a moment. I lean againts the door and sat down. I look around the lab...everything is destroyed...the lamp not working that much,but at least there's some light in here. Suddenly,I saw a shattered mirror. I walk toward them and look at my reflection.

All I see is a man...with a lot of injuries and bandages. He wears each of his dead friends clothes around him as memories...his eyes shows nothing but sadness...he have bloods on his hands. And he held weapons,the thing that he wished he never hold when he was young...i couldn't recognized myself...


Redo: Yes...this is you...

Red: W-why...why am i look like...i'm suffering...?

Redo: It's because you are. We all suffering... It just...tragedies change people,you saw your friends died in front of almost died many scared of everything...all the time...

Red: ...*sniff*'s hurt too much...

I fell into my knees and cried. I miss my friends...i miss Yellow. I missed our good times together. I wanted to hug them for one last time...but now here i am,hugging myself in the dark corridor with the flickering lights shines the path...

We start to walk into the corridor after taking a break. Victim were in front of us since he remember where the machine is. The place is so quiet. All i heard was the wind that passed by the end of the path. Luckily,there's no zombies in there so it made it easy for us to find it. After a while,we arrived at the reactor. There's a lot of broken and unused machine in there. Then,i look at the top of the reactor.

Victim: (There it is! We have to go up there.)

Redo: I'll go at there. Red,the cure.

Red: H-here you go *gives one of them*

Victim: *grab Redo's shirt* (...Be careful...)

Redo: ...I will

Redo then climb on the stairs and went to the machine. I...i can't believed's the end! I look at Redo,try to switch on the machine for a while. But he activated the machine,we heard a shotgun. Everything were silent after that.

My hope fades away...Victim covered his mouth and began to cry...and Redo...He slowly look at his chest...his chest were bleeding. He started to coughing blood. Another shot released from the darkness before he fell to the ground with the cure crashed with him.

Red: REDO!!! 

We ran towards him. Victim put Redo in his arms,telling him to hang on. The bullets hit right at the chest. He's dying. Victim keep shaking his body. Redo held his hand and put it on his chest...

Redo: ...i-i'm sorry...

Victim: (N-no,just please...s-stay with me...)

Redo: ...*slowly shook his head*

Victim: ....*whimper*...

I was shocked. Redo then slowly closed his eyes. Victim put his head on Redo's chest,crying as he grip his husband hand tightly. I slowly look up and saw a shadow behind the machine. The shadow walk slowly at the light. I look in disbelieved. I was to stunned to speak...only one word came out from my mouth that time



Boy,do i love killing characters :]

Anyways,i hope you enjoy this chapter for now. It took me long for how am i going to start the chapter xD

So ue,i see you soon in next chapter :]

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now