The Reunion

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I keep calling them even i was too tired. I can't really open my eyes,but i heard footsteps coming to me. They held my hand and bandaged me gently. I didn't move at all and keep my eyes shut. Then i heard someone talking. They were in a conversation,but i didn't heard any reply from the other one. I took a little peek and saw the other one using sign language to communicate with his friend.

I open my eyes and tried to talk to them. I lower my voice since i was very tired. After few tries,i finally get their attention.

???: Oh,hey are you feeling...?

Red: I'm...bit tired...w-where am I...?

???: You're in our basement now...we saw you floating at the middle of the we take you with us. You must be very you need anything...?

Red: I-I'm good,thanks...

I slowly woke up from the bed and look around. These a lot of weapons and food supplies in there. A big map pinned at the wall with the threads and needles cover it.

Then I look at the other person besides me. He somehow looks familiar. He have a fluffy grey hair  and their eyes had no pupils. Just a white glowing eyes. He wore a prosthetic arm to replace his right arm. The he looked at me. He asked me if i'm okay. Good thing i understand sign language.

???: (What's wrong?)

Red: Oh,uh...nothing,i guess?

???: *clueless* Victim,he didn't understand you remember?

???: (Oh,yeah-)

Red: Victim...? *gasp* ...Are you...Chosen's brother!?

They look shocked and scared as i mention his name. Victim held my shoulder. He keep asking me where is he. I don't even know how to responded...

Red: He...died. He betrayed us and-

???: Us!? There's more other than you!?

Red: Yeah,but...they...they all were died...

Victim: ...

???: ...we were too late...

Red: But...Chosen is a traitor-!

Victim: (We know that...)

Red: You...what...?

Victim went to them map and took one of the picture that stick at the map. Then,he gave it to me.

Victim: (Redo,explain it to him...)

Redo: We been looking for him for this 10 we can stop him from hurting all of you...we get his location and went to Zone A...but all we see is ashes and fire...we thought you guys were burned in the we stopped our mission....

Red: do you knew that he's a traitor...?

Redo: ...Victim get a call from someone...i still have the audio...

Redo went to a small table and played an audio cassette. Then,a voice start to appear as the cassette were played.

"Hello,Victim. I see that you picked up the phone. Now,listen to me. Do you want to live peacefully in this diseased world without fear? Well if you said so,come to the lab."

"Be my helper. I need you two to help me with...a project. The BIG one! We can create an army of UNDEAD!!! We will be powerful as a team! And no one can stop us!"

"But first...I wanted to know if you live with someone else...? If you do,ELIMINATE THEM ALL. I don't want this project to been known by the others because i know...that they will disagreed with me and stop me from make it come true..."

"Also,I heard that one of Chosen's team get a fomula for the cure...don't worry. He'll finished them off soon... *laughter* Yeah! He agreed and join my team! Now,it's your turn. If you want to join me,do as i got that...?"

"Welp...i see you later. I need to get an update from Chosen's plan"

Then,the cassette stopped playing...I just sat at there and stare at the map. They been looking for him at everywhere...they went to every zone to stop him.

Redo: ...I guess...we failed...we didn't get to saved your friends...

Red: ...he...he is a selfish monster...i trusted him since the beginning...

Victim: ... (I still remember...the time where he leave the lab...i didn't get to save Alan...and i almost get infected...then,i get another chance. I cut off my infected arm and hide far away from the zombies...i thought i could trust him to keep all of you safe,but i was wrong...)

Redo: Then,I help him to find all of you...but here we're the only one who survive...

I look down and covered my face. I am very tired to think anymore...I cried silently while Victim tried to comfort me. Redo hug me tight. It was a gloomy night for us that time...

I lived with them for few days to made a plan to stop the anonymous' plan. I learn things about them since i lived at there. Redo is one of the survived scientist with Victim. He's also Victim's lovelife.

They been trained to use weapons when they were 20 years old at the military. They're already prepared for this kind of situation. Hey taught me how to avoid zombie's bite and scratches when they were attacking. We'll start our missions as we get fully prepared. 

The end of Chapter 13 :']

Damn those two will get very fruity sometimes- /hj

Anyways,thank you for reading this chapter. I know,kinda boring. But dw,it's not the end :]

I see you at the other chapter,bye :D

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now