Stay with Me

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Green growls at me and dash towards me. They grip my shirt and tried to bit me,but i get to dodge them. Their growl gets louder as they look at me. I watch over their movement,scared if they try to attack me again. I was too scared to fight back. I don't want to hurt them all.

Alan watch from above,stare at me with the smug on his face. Chosen look a bit concerned and whispered to Alan.

Chosen: Alan...i thought you said you won't use their bodies for this experiment...

Alan: I know,but look at that! It's working,right? Also,look at his dumb scared face...he loved them too much,he neven hit them for once even if they were dead *laughter*

Chosen: ...

Dark and SC ran towards me and tried to scratch me at the face. I tried to avoid them with my swords. They were biting the blades,leaving a cut at their face. I tried to hold on under the swords. I look around and saw a pile of pipes near me. I kicked them away and grab two pipes as a replacement for the swords.

I tried to think a way to unlock the collar from their neck. But then,I saw MT ran towards me and swing his axe. I was shocked and ran away from him. How come he still able to using weapons!?

I look at Alan and saw him controlling them with the remote. I look at him with rage and ran towards him. I must destroy it. Green and SC were chasing me at the back as I were getting near the ladder. SC jumped at the wall and push me over a desk that fill with tools. Then,they tried to attack me. I kicked Green as far as i can and made them hit a wall,leaving them unconscious for a moment. Then,I dodge SC's bite with one of the pipe. He pushed his face near me,ready to bite.

Red: SC,please wake up!!! This is not you!!! SC!!!

SC: *growling*

Red: Please...! Just snap out of it! Don't let him taking over your body!!! SC!!!

SC: Aaagh...AARGH!!! R-Red....RED...

Red: ...S-Second...?


Red: I-I am trying-

Suddenly,SC get electrocuted by the collar,making him howling in pain. I was shocked and terrified. Alan pushed an electrocute button for the collar,making all of them getting zapped so bad

Red: SC!!!


*with Alan and Chosen*

Chosen: What are you doing!? I never set that button on the remote!

Alan: Oh! I just upgrade them,that's all. Your setup is kinda lame so i add this one. And you know what this kid is capable of. He can make all of them fight againts us. With or without the collar.

Chosen: This is NOT in the agreedment. I help you made them and you can't change that!

Alan: Don't you forgot who's in charge here...? I'm the one who plan all of these. You just follow my order,got it?

Chosen: ....

SC started to attack again,this time he's getting stronger. I were shaking,struggling under the pipe. At that moment,i saw a screwdriver at the desk. I grab them and stabbed one his eye with them. SC move over and screeching as he covered his face.

Red: I'm so sorry,SC

I quickly ran away from there and climb on the ladder. While i was climbing the ladders,Dark and MT throwing blades at me from the ground and scratched me and leaving a scar on my face and arm. I groaned a bit and throw the pipes that i held right on their face before i continued.

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now