Unstable Battle

493 17 14

The sun is rising and cold breeze filled the air. I still heard the whispers made by MT's machine deep inside the forest. We started to leave the cottage and went to Zone D on the right path with MT as our new leader. Me,Yellow,Green and SC sat at behind while watching over Chosen that still tied at the corner of the truck. Meanwhile,MT and Purple were inside the truck,looking at the map while MT were driving.

I saw SC and Chosen look at each other witha cold face. I knew that it won't end well so i asked Green if they can distracted him. Green nodded and tried to get SC's attention. I sighed and stared at Chosen. That man just quiet and lied his back at the corner. Then,we accidently made eye contact. I quickly looked away at the other side. Suddenly,we heard him chuckled.

Chosen: *sigh* look at you...hopeless. You asking help from the strangers that you just met. I always wonder how can someone as  naive as you survive this disaster...

Green: Shut up,you old fuck. We didn't give a shit.

Chosen: Heh,i am not talking to you...I am talking to your beloved precious boy,Red

As Chosen mentioned my name,I was sweating in fear. I know that i accidently made eye contact with him,but he can't just mention my name like that. I didn't move at all

SC: Don't you dare do anything to them-!

Chosen: Oh,don't worry. Son. I just amazed about the way they survived this apocalype. You know...before everyone else,i always target you as my first kill. And you know why...?

Red: ...c-cuz i'm dumb...and weak...and almost...died many time

Chosen: Clever boy. Even you knew why. Why are you still fighting? While you can just give up?

I was so scared. He was right. I trusted people too quick. I almost died 2 times. And i never think before i act. I am acting like a child since the beginning.

Suddenly,i heard Yellow yelled

Yellow: Shut yer ass,you lipshit! He is not weak!! He's still alive and had through everything to survive!!!

Green:He helped us to gone through the journey when we were on our knees. When we wanted to give up! He is the strongest person we ever met!

SC: Even stronger than you.

I didn't said anything but smiled a bit. They helped me a lot before the apocalype. They are the reason why i keep going. I shed my tears and thanked them.

Chosen: Oh really? Have he gone through...THIS!?

Chosen suddenly get up and attacked us with a knife. The rope were loosen around his body. He'd must cut off the rope while distracting us with his word.

He charged again and caught SC. They were struggling at the edge of the moving truck.

Chosen: I guess this is the ending for all of you,SON!!!

SC: Gah! N-NEVER!!!

Then,we grab Chosen's back and pulled him over to the other edge. I landed a punch on his face few times while the others get SC.

Red: This! Is for Blue and Dark! *punches Chosen*

Chosen: Argh!


But before i could made them faint,Chosen kicked me away and made me fell. He get up and wiped away his bleeding nose. Then he pulled out one of the gun from the weapon bag and pointed it at us.


Purple: I can.

We turned around and saw Purple at the roof window with a sniper at their hand,ready to pull the trigger. No one made any moves. Chosen were too busy looking at Purple,so i took the oppotunity to pushed him away and took the gun away from him.

I pointed the gun at him. Before i could pulled the trigger,he smiled.

Chosen: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ...You think you're brave enough to kill someone...go on,pull the trigger.

Green: Pull the trigger,Red!!

I was shaking. I look at SC in the eyes. He were silent but nodded after sees me. I took a deep breath. But before i could do anything,suddenly one of the tyre exploded and losing control. MT tried to stop it but then the truck crashed.

Everything were dark after that...

*break through your window* how are you? :]

Thank you so much for waiting and read this chapter 11. Oh god that took me a week to put it in words....and named the title :']

Hope you're enjoying this chapter and i see you soon,bye :]

*jump through your window again*

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now