Past Tragedy

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It's been like 6 hours after we get out from the swarmp but we still didn't find the way least these a nearby cabin that we can stay for a while.

Dark is filling the car oil while we prepare the weapon for tonight. It's quiet peaceful at there. The previous owner must loved to live in this swamp since the city once very loud...but,i don't think they survive...

I look at the sky...these a few pigeons flying at the sky. That's quiet odd. It's been so long since i saw one...they must going somewhere else. I hope they're doing good...

Yellow: Red?

Red: Huh-? Oh,hey Yellow. What's up?

Yellow: Are you okay? You look...distracted

Red: Oh..nah,it's fine. It just...i miss when we use to hang out at your basment...we make a mini farm where i can put my chickens. And we made experiments at the backyard *smile*

Yellow: Yeah...i missed it too...*sigh* don't worry. It'll be over soon,k...?

Red: ...okay.

Dark from the distant: Hey,you two! Get in,it's almost dusk!!

Red: Coming! *look at Yellow* c'mon. We talk again inside.

Yellow: *nod*

We get into the cabin as the swamp began to dark. We get prepare after we eat. It was Dark and Chosen's turn,so we get to take a break for today. We didn't see anything yet,but we just get ready for anything...

*with Dark and Chosen*

Chosen: *watching the outside*

Dark: Hey,Cho. *sit and take the gun*

Chosen: Hey,honey. *kiss at Dark's cheek* are the others okay?

Dark: Yeah,safe and sound...*saw a locket at Chosen's hand* really miss them both,huh? *lean at Chosen's shoulder*

Chosen: ...yeah... *open the locket*

*in the locket,these a picture of the younger Chosen and two other persons. Looks like their older brother and a man with glasses*

Chosen: ...

Dark: Cho...

Chosen: ...s-sorry...

Dark: It's don't have to apologized...

*suddenly,Chosen's memories flashed through thier eyes...*

*it shows a lab with many chemicals in every shelves. A man is experimenting on something*

???: *take a chemical from the testing tube* Finally!! Cho,Vic! Come here for a bit!

*as the man called them,2 men enter the lab*

P.Chosen: What's up,Alan?

Alan: Look! *shows a blue glowing chemical* i create this chemical that can increase the animal's intelligent and they can do anything!

P.Chosen: That's sounds interesting,but...are you sure that it will work?

Victim: ('s quiet dangerous if you didn't test it)

Alan: That's what i'm going to do! *show a cage with a mice in it* i'm going to test it right now. I wanted to show you two.

Victim: (..okay. But be careful with it,okay?)

Alan: Don't worry,Vic. I'll be good- *hit his elbow at a shelf* Ack-!

*without three of them realized,one of the poison dripped and get into the chemical*

P.Chosen: Alan,are you okay!?

Victim: (I told you to be careful)

Alan: Heheh. Sorry,sorry

*then,Alan inject the chemical into the mice. At first,there is no reaction. Suddenly,the mice started to squeaking and fell to the ground. It frozed...*

Alan: ...wha-? I-it shouldn't react like that-

P.Chosen: *check the mice* it...died of heart attack...

Victim: ( too much for a mice.)

Alan: *sigh* god damn it...

P.Chosen: It's okay,Alan. We'll try next time,okay?

Alan: ..okay. Let's clean this up...

*as Alan try to took the dead mice,it suddenly get up and run away to the door. All of them shocked and try to chase it*

*outside the lab*

Alan: Catch the mice!!!

Worker 1: Huh? *saw the mice* don't worry,i got it!

*the worker get to grab the mice with his hand. The mice is struggling in his hand. A moment later,it bite his hand and ran as the worker let go*

Worker 1: *groan* shit,my hand bleed...

P.Chosen: Oh god...let me check your-

*before Chosen can help,the worker started to growl and fainted. Everyone at there were panicked. The others try to help him.*

Worker 2: H-hey! Wake up! Someone get me the aid kit!

Worker 1: *wake up*

Worker 2: What the-

*before the other worker could do anything,he suddenly attack him. He bit his face and ripped his arm. The worker growls and started to attack the other*

*Everyone is panicked. Blood is everywhere. These a mixture between screams,sirens and growls plus with the blood squirting. Alan and the others ran to a room. Dark,SC and the others in there. They hide under the table*

P.Chosen: Dark!

P.Dark: Chosen! What happened!?

P.Chosen: These no time,we have to go!!!

*All of them ran to a door. These a truck at there. Dark and the others went to the back of the truck,while Chosen load weaopns in there.*

P. Chosen: That's it...Alan,Victim! Get in!

Victim: (Okay. Alan let's go!)

*but before they can get in,a zombie suddenly attack Alan at the back. Victim saw him and try to save him*

P.Chosen: *pull his sleeve* Victim,NO!!!

Victim: *look at Chosen* (...sorry,i have to save him...)

Alan: Ahhhh!

Victim: (!!!) *run to Alan*

P.Chosen: NOOOO!!!!!

*Before Chosen could save them both,a swarmp of zombies get into the room. He had no choice...he start the engine and drove away from the building. The last thing they see is Victim watched them with a smile*

That's it for chapter 3! I am so sory if it takes so long :']

I been quiet busy,so yeah you know what i mean-

anyways,thank you for being patient and read this far
Hope i can update again soon ^^"

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now