Whispering Forest

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Everyone were standing at the river,stare at the enviroment around the Zone B. Zone B is a forest that covered with pine trees. Some of them were dead and been chopped down. There's also an X marks at the other trees. It looks like these someone live in the forest. Chosen then went to the chopped tree.

Chosen: ...this tree just being chopped down hours ago. The sap is still fresh. Maybe the X marks can help us find the exit.

Yellow: Are you sure it safe? I mean,yeah these maybe a possiblity that someone lives here...but we don't know if that person is harmless or not.

Chosen: This is the only way. We had to go now...

Yellow: ...okay...i trust you

Chosen: Good. Let's go,we can't stay here for too long...

Red: ...

We started to walk into the forest and follow the marks. The wind blew in the forest made us cold. I can't feel my hand for a moment. I tried to cover my hands in my pocket to keep it warm but failed. It feels like we were at the North.

Suddenly,i heard something just pass through my ears. I flinched so hard that i bump on a tree. I look at my left and right. There's nothing. At first I thought it's just the wind,so i ognored it and continued walking. Then,it happened again. I was scared a bit and went to Yellow.

Red: Y-Yellow...

Yellow: *turn around* Red? What's wrong?

Red: D-did you hear something?

Yellow: No...? Why?

Red: I... I heard a whisper...

Yellow: oh...um...maybe you just tired,you know? After that crazy disaster?

Red: ...o-okay...

Maybe they were right. I'm maybe a bit tired. I should try to ignore it. That's what i thought...but then...

Green: *flinch*

SC: *turn around* Green?

Green: G-guys...? Did you hear that?

Yellow: Hear what?

Green: Whisper...i-i thought it just the wind,but...it's calling my name,I swear-

Yellow: *flinch* w-what the-!? These something pass throught my ears-!

Red: See? I told you that-

Before i could finish my word,i saw something. My face turned pale. I can feel my cold sweats roll at my face. I was too scared to move...

Yellow were shaking my body,asking me what's wrong. I pointed my finger at the end of the forest. As they look at there,their face turned white. The face of horrified shown at their face. At there,these a bunch of glowing dots coming at us. It getting bigger and bigger. It's a swarmp of zombies...they were coming toward us!

Chosen: *whisper* get your weapon ready...

We prepared our weapon to attack them as they get near us. I closed my eyes,wondering if this is the end...but,somehings wrong...they didn't try to attack us. Instead,they went pass throught us and leave the place. I was confused yet glad that they didn't come and kill us.

Green: ...what the fuck was that?

SC: I...i have no idea...where are they going?

Yellow: ...i think they went to the whispers. I heard it came from the way they go...

Chosen: That's a good news...c'mon,let's leave before these another one coming for us...

Then we walk again and get deeper in the forest. We walk until we been at the center of the forest. It was very quiet. We only saw some wild flowers and bushes...

Red: *hear somehing* huh?

  I heard something moving at the bushes. I take a look closely at the bushes. Then,a deer hop out in front of me. I didn't see any animals after those years,so i get exited and tried to call her.

But then,my smile fade away just like that as i saw the deer's eyes... i was shooked. Her eyes were glowing just like the zombies. And i saw bloods on her mouth. Then,the deer started to attack me. She push me at the ground and try to bite me. I was struggling down there,avoid her bite with a branch that near me.

Yellow and Green tried to help me,but failed. She keep kicking them and jump around me. I can't hold on any longer. I'm getting tired and the branch started breaking. Suddenly,the deer stop biting the branch. And they getting lighter. I looked up and terrified. I almost cry. The deer's head stuck at the branch that i held with her other body part fell at the ground...her head just get CHOPPED!!!

I threw the branch away and look at the dead body. Yellow came to me and calm me down. I hug them tightly and cried. I was too scared to say a word. My body were shaking non-stop. I wanted to faint. Then i heard an unfamiliar voice talk to me

???: Haih...at the time like this,you still want to play with animals?

I look at my back and saw two guys wearing a thick coat. One of them were helding an axe that covered with blood. One of his eye were blind with scars crossed at his eye. And the other one had a black hair with a purple dye at the edge of their hair.

???: You want to live? Follow us then....

Hohoho! Chapter 8! Wonder what happened next :]

I hope you enjoy this chapter,i need to think harder to put it in words for this part :']

I see you later at the other chapter :]

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now