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We keep running in the swamp as the zombies is chasing after us. Tears drop from my eyes. I can't get to saved Blue...they died in front of us,trying to give us time to run...and as for Green,they were quiet at this time. I know how sad they are right now. They planned everything as we get to save the world...

  We arrived at a hill. It's not that high,so we decided to climb on it. As i were climbing i look at Green. I saw their tears as they can't hide their feelings anymore.

Red: ...

Green: ...Red...

Red: *shocked**tremble* ...y-yeah...?

Green: ...why are you keep looking at me?

Red: I-i...Are you...mad at me...?

Green: ...

Red: ...

Green: *sigh*...Red,listen. It's not your fault,k...? You tried,i know...i just upset that...all the things are not goes as we planned...

Red: ...

Green:'t feel bad over it,alright?

Red: *sniff*...okay...

As we finished our conversation,we were at the top of the hill. Chosen look around if there's a way out nearby. It was at there. Miles away in front of us. I was so happy that we can get out from here. We slide down to the hill.
Before we could leave,suddenly we heard something...these someone that breath heavily...we hid in a cave nearby. We wait until that zombie came.
Chosen get the arrows,ready to shot it. We heard leaves crunching at the ground,as it been stepped. The zombie appear in front of us.

But...Chosen didn't shoot the arrow...instead,all of us look in horror. I can feel my chest hurt because of sadness. My tears flow at my cheek like a river. That was Blue...their body get rip...they lose a limb of their eye we pop out,hanging at their eye socket.
I look at Green,but they're not there...i tried to looking at them.

Dark: *loud whisper* GREEN!

I look at Dark and then i saw Green,walk towards Blue who can't see them coming. Green keep walking,watch Blue that became the undead...

Green: B...Blue...? What did they do to you...

Z.Blue: *heavy breating*

Green: I'm so sorry...i can't save you...please forgive me...

Dark: *loud whisper* Green! Come back here,you asshole!!!

Then,i saw Green tried to touch Blue. I was panicked. Before i could stop them,i feel like someone running from my back. It was Dark! They pushed Green away from Blue. They fell on the ground,causing noises. Blue heard them and try to chase them.

Dark: *pick Green up on the shoulder*

Green: Let me GO!!!


We ran to the exit. Dark and Green followed us at the back. We get out one by one. But...before Dark can get out,Green was struggling and fell from their grip.

Dark: What the- Why in the fuck did you do that!?

Green: Why did you pushed me!? I almost get to see them one last time

Dark: Because they can get you killed!! Don't you see!? You try to touch them!

Green: I just want to be with them-

Dark: By being a zombie!? Is that what are you planning!?

Green: No! I just-

Dark: Green,don't you understand!?  THEY ARE DEAD-!!!

As Dark yelled at Green,Blue attack them at the back. Dark groans,try to fight back.

Chosen: Dark!!!

Green: Dark!! *try to pull Dark away from Blue*

Dark: Kid,no!! Just run! Argh....they got me! *look at their bitten arm*

Green: ...

Dark: *look at Chosen* Cho...! Bring them out! Please...take care of them...take care of Second...!

Chosen: ...

Dark: GAH!!! GREEN RUN!!! DON'T WORRY....!

Green: ...i am so sorry...

Second: MOM!!!

Then,Green run away. They cried and went to us. We run and run until we arrived at a road. We all sat down...Green were silent...everyone is silent...
Suddenly,Chosen grab Green shirt and yelled at him.

Green: Argh-

Chosen: You really are stupid,AREN'T YOU!?

SC: Dad!!!


SC: Dad,that's enough! Let them go!!!

Green: *tears dripping from their eyes* ...

Chosen: ...*let go of Green*...i-i'm sorry...

Chosen then leave us behind for a while,then we countinue our journey...


That's. The. Chapter. 5!!!!

I am very sorry for not updating. These a problem with this part when i was tried to post it long ago and i completly forgot about it D':

Anyways hope you enjoy this story,i promise this won't happened again :']

See you soon at the other chapter

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now