Undead's Swamp

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It's nighttime as we drove our truck to the zone A. The zone is full with muds and wierd brownish fog. These puddles everywhere too,so it's kinda bouncy. Chosen said that we have to go through the swamp because that's is the short cut to zone B. The lab is located at zone D,so it's still far away from us.

Dark decided to stop at the pond for a night. The fog is too thick. They're worried if our truck will fell into a nearby pond. We agreed and stay at there for a night. Blue is preparing their bow and arrows just if these a zombie nearby. Yellow is checking the amount of the cures.

When everyone were asleep,me and SC was patroling the area. We keep our eyes open and watch every corner. I held my gun tightly.

It's really scary. We barely see things and it's maybe not a great idea to pass through the swamp...i mean sure,it is a short cut. But it's very dangerous. We could hit a tree and would caught the zombies attention. And they're quiet fast too...

Suddenly...i saw something behind the shadows. These two yellow lights wobbling around. I thought it just a fireflies...then i saw a shadow of a human figure behind them.

Red: *whisper* SC....SC!

SC: Huh? What is it-?

Red: *point to the shadow*

As he saw them,he preparing his gun to shot. He must be very careful. The zombies are blind,but they can hear the gun shot. They can smell us too,so we covered ourselves with mud and moss earlier.

SC is ready to shot the zombie. His hand is sweating. We both were terrified to made any noises. Suddenly,a bunch of arrows shot the zombie multiple times. They made a terrifiying screech. At least it not that loud.

At first,i thought it was Blue who saw the zombie. But as we turn around,it was Chosen. He took the bow from Blue that still fell asleep.

SC: Dad!

Chosen: Wake them up. A swarmp of zombies will come here soon.

Red: Wait. How do you-

Before i finished my words,he already jump into the car seat. Me and SC woke them up. We get prepared as Dark  started the engine. They start to speed up and dash through the swarm.

I looked back and saw the swarmp of zombies chasing after us. They're very fast. I could see some of them were stumbled and stepped by the others. Me and the others start to shoot them one by one.

Blue: *Shoting the zombies with arrows* they're too many!!!

Green: *swinging their sword* Yellow,give me the chainsaw!!!

Yellow: Got it! *open a large bag and give a chainsaw to Green*

Green: *hold the chainsaw* just...DIE ALREADY!!!! *swing it to the zombie's head*

Green looks very mad. They usually like that when they had a bad dream. I guess that will calm them down.

Blood spreads everywhere. It's smell worst than a rotten animal blood. But we ignored it. We're trying to escape. After a while,they getting far from us. They're still chasing us,but we made it.

It's almost sunrise,probally we can find the way out soon. All of us sat down as they calmed. We getting tired because we didn't get enough sleep.


Blue: *look at the cures* ...huh?

Green: Babe...? What's wrong?

Blue: *get the cures* ...34...35...t-these only 36 bottles!?

SC: What!?

We lost 4 bottles...probally because of the crazy escape. Blue looks panicked. He work so hard to find them. There is no way he can made another one. All his stuffs and ingredients destroyed in the lab.

We can't lose another bottle...this is our only chance to survive this apocalypse...if we could lost 4 bottles...we could lost all of them...  

Dark keep driving through the swamp and try to find the way out.


The end of chapter 2! Hope you enjoy it :']

And thank you for reading and i'm glad ya'll like my AU ^^
Let's see if i can update later after i find a way to wrote the other chapter jsjsjwjwjj-

See ya my bruh

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