A Little Break

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We been walking for hours...Zone B is miles away from here. Chosen leads the way with the map. He were been quiet after Dark's death. SC too. We just lose our friends in that swamp. Green walks behind me with his eyes look at the road. He brought Blue's bow and arrows with him...

I...i don't know what to do now anymore...

Then,Yellow tap my shoulder gently. I was startle a little before I look at them.

Yellow: Are you okay...? You look very tired...

Red: O-oh...y-yeah I-

Yellow: Stop it,Red...don't lie to yourself...

Yellow just stare at me with dissapointment. I think they get tired of my bad habit. I been lying to them a lot about myself. I been lying before the apocalypse happened. I think I can't lie at them again since...you know...

Red: ...i'm sorry...

Yellow: ...*sigh* here,you need more energy...*give a bottle water*

Red: What about you...?

Yellow: I have another one. Don't worry,okay? You didn't drink or eat a lot since we at the swamp...

Red: ...thank you,Yellow...

We keep walking after the conversation. There's long way to go and it started to get dark. All of us getting tired. We decided to take a break at the side of the road.

While everyone sat down,Chosen and SC went to patroling the area in case if these some zombies nearby. Yellow was feel asleep besides me while i ate some potatoes to restore energy. Then i saw Green,sat alone at the other side.

Red: ...Green?

Green: *turn around slowly*

Red: ...do you...need some food...?

Green: ...no...

Red: ...

Green: ...

Red: ...you know...i lose a lot of people that i love before this apocalypse...s-so...i know how it feels...

Green: ...

Red: And...right now,i just have all of you...especially you,Green...you're like a brother to me...and i really wish we can live together long enough before one of us closed our eyes...forever

Green: ...i do hope so...*smile* thank you,Red.

I smiled and look up. The stars were sparkling at the sky,dancing around the glowing moon. It's a peaceful night. We get a little break as Chosen and SC came back with some berries.

Me and SC were still awake. SC can't sleep because he's still overcame Dark's death...he cried himself to sleep besides me. I can hear him whimper calling Dark in his sleep. I pat his head,hoping that it'll calm him down. I sighed. We lost too many people in our life....but we had to move foward...our memories with them will be the fuel for our determinations to save the world...

We were all fell asleep...the cure was in the bag with the other things. Suddenly,these a shadow figure getting near the bag...


Oh :0

Anyways :]

Hope you enjoy this chapter. I won't put conflict that early but just you wait :D

Sorry if the story kinda short,i know.but ya know. HEAD EMPTY

Bye my bruh :']

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now