Unsurvived Victim

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It's midnight and we didn't sleep yet. We keep our eyes open and look at the window if these any zombies outside. When we saw one,Blue would shot them with a bow. But still,nothing's happened yet.

I tried to keep my eyes open...but as i closed my eyes for a second,i heard a gun shot. We all shocked and look at the outside. It was Dark. They shoot the zombie that try to attack Chosen. We look with fear. Dark's face turn white and look at us from there.

Dark: What are you waiting for!? Get out!!

We rush to the ground floor as they shouted at us. We quickly packed everything and ran to the truck. We jump into the truck as Dark start the engine. They just ran into the swamp again while the zombies were chasing after us.

  After a moment,I look back at the zombies. They were gone. I sigh in relieved. I thought it was over...but then...

*crashing sound*

Our truck crashed to a giant old tree. I was uncousious for a moment. Blue woke me up and help me get out from the truck...
Everyone is safe. Then we saw Dark went out from the truck. Their face look furious.

Dark: GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!! *kick the tire*

Chosen: Dark,calm down-


*heard the zombies nearby*

Chosen: We got no time,we have to go.

Dark: ...*nod*

We take our things and ran as fast as we can. We can hear them chasing after us. We get into the bushes so they can't smell us. In the bushes,i can see them looking for us.

They breath heavily as they're trying to scare us and make us ran away from our hiding. I closed my eyes,afraid thet they might find us.

After a moment,they went to the other sides. After they leave,we go into the bushes to find a way out. We keep roaming until we're finally out. These a cliff in front of us. We have to climb them. Chosen and Dark climb them first to check if these another zombie at there.

Chosen: *to the others* Alright,everything is clear.

  After that,me and Blue help the others climb the cliff. When it was our turn,i heard a growl not far from here.

Red: B-Blue...

Blue: ...c'mon climb on me,quick!

Red: B-but what a bout you?

Blue: Don't worry,i'll be at your back. Now go!

The growls getting near,so i climb on them and get to the top. Then,me and Dark went to help Blue. They climb on the rocks one by one. Before they can get to the top,suddenly they slipped and fell from the rock. Me and Dark get to catch their hand. I look in panic. He groan in pain.

Blue: Argh...my leg...

Dark: Hang on there,kid...we'll get you up...

Blue: I..I can't-

Suddenly,we feel something pulled Blue to the ground. Before we know it,these a swarmp of zombies pulling him down!

I get panicked and try to pull them to the top with Dark. Blue was struggling and kick the zombies,hoping that they would let go. The zombies keep pulling him. They grip their leg tightly. The other zombies were trying to climb on them. My tears almost drop,but it's not the time. I...i have to save him!

Red: Hold on,Blue!!! We got you!!

Dark: This fuckers....gahhhhhh!

Blue: ...let me go...

Dark: ..what...

Blue: Let me go. They will climb on me and attack all of you!!

Red: Wha...NO!!!

Dark: Shut the fuck up! We'll go together!!!

Green: Blue...what are you doing!?

Blue: Let me go!!! You have to save the world! Don't mind me!

Green: No!! Please!

Blue: ...babe...i want you to be safe...you know that right?

Green: ..no,please don't...

Blue: ...goodbye...

Red: Blue,NO-!!!

Before i could do anything,they already let their hand go...the zombies fell over and start to attack Blue. I saw them fighting with the zombies. I heard them scream in pain. Green were crying at our side. Dark could only look in disbelieved. I can see their tear flew from their eye...

Dark: ...this son of the bitch...

We ran away from the cliff. Green just cried all the way. I was crying too but it's not the time. We have to get out from here. We ran and ran until we were at the end of the swamp...

The end of chapter 4!

God,that's a first kill for now. Too bad can't see them getting married at the end  :']

Anyways thank you so much for reading! Hope i can continued this at the other day. I see you soon

Bye :]

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now