Wolf in Sheep Clothing

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We followed the brothers into the forest and arrived at an old cottage where they lived. These a truck and a lot of logs outside the cottage. A tall,wired fence guarding the cottage to avoid any zombies get inside the area. Then,I saw that man who saved me thrown away the dead deer at the other side of the fence.

???: There,those undead would have their dinner tonight.

Red: O-oh! Umm...thank you,sir...for saving my life just now...

???: Don't mention it. What's your name,kid?

Red: My name is Red.

MT: I see. The name's MT...how did you guys get here anyways?

Red: O-oh,we were-

Chosen: *grab Red's back* Non of your business.

MT: ...well then. We better get inside. It's getting dark here.

MT then leave us and went inside...

Red: *look at Chosen* W-why did you do that? He just helped us.

Chosen: We cannot trust someone that we just met. Even if they saved us. We don't know about them yet. So don't you tell them anything about our mission,understood?

Red: ...okay...

Meanwhile inside the cottage,SC bumped into the other guy. They were loading up the food supplies in the barrels.

???: Oh...hey,you.

SC: Uh..hey? You dropped this at the living room. *give a tiny bag*

???: Oh,thanks. That was the berries at the forest. I kinda need it.

SC: ...so...what's you name? I'm SC.

Purple: ...Purple. So...how did you guys get here anyways?

SC: Uh...let's say we fell into a river and get drag into here,heh.

Purple: River...that's the place where me and MT just leave before we saw you.

SC: So,that chopped tree and the x marks were you two?

Purple: Yeah,we went to the river to get logs and water supplies. It's flew too fast this week. Kinda impress how you guys survived that river

SC: Not really,i get hit with a branch at there 6 times *chuckle*

Purple: pfft-he-he *cover his smile* sucks to be you then.

SC: Yeah...

At night,we were sitting at the living room with MT and Purple after we eat.  They were adjusting a machine. That machine is the one that made the whispering sound at the forest to distract the zombies. We just watch them from far

Chosen: ...so,how can you two live here...?

MT: Our village get attacked by those zombies. Our mom told us to hide in here before...you know what happened...what about you?

Chosen: ...we're from the lab. Where the apocalypse happened...

MT: ...

Chosen: ...

I saw MT try to grab his axe slowly but Purple stops him and giving a signal to not make any scene to avoid a fight. We were too scared to move,but Chosen didn't sweat at all. He just sit calmly and stare at the brothers action.

I heard MT sighed and turn back at Chosen. Then he get closer and whisper in his ear....

MT: I let you guys stay...but i will watching

Chosen: ...

We didn't say anything and sit still at our seat...that was very scary. I can't imagine what happened if MT kick us out and leave us outside with the zombies...

It's midnight and everyone is asleep. No one patrolling since the zombies can't get in. It's been too long since we didn't get enough sleep in the journey. It feel so nice...

Suddenly,i heard someone yelling. Everyone is awake because of it. We went downstair to check what's happened. We saw Purple and MT standing in front the security camera. Purple look so panicked and they keep yelling.

Yellow: What happened!?

Purple: *look at them* WHICH ONE OF YOU DID THIS!? All the camera broke and our machine is DEAD!!! And right now,the fence is broken because someone cuts them!!!

MT: ...

Yellow: What- it happened again...?

Purple: ...what do you mean "it happened again"....?

SC: ...before we get here,we been sabotaged many time and...


MT: Purple,that's enough.

Then,MT take his axe and walk toward us. My body is sweating and my hand were shaking. I know he will kill us all because we brought in the traitor in their shelter. I closed my eyes. Then,i heard him talking...

MT: Do you think I will closed my eyes off just like that? I told you...i'm watching you...you wolf in sheep clothing...

He...he caught the traitor. I was too scared to open my eyes. Then i heard the others gasping as they saw the traitor. Then i heard SC...he...cried...

SC: Dad...

Red: *shocked* ....

SC: ...how could you...

As i heard him,i turned back and saw MT put his axe close to Chosen's neck. Chosen put his hand up,surrender. His face didn't change at all and look at MT's eye with a dead glare...

*gasp* Oh no!

..anyways,thank you so much for reading this fanfic until chapter,ya'll amazing :D

Welp,gotta made angst for next chapter :]

See you later,mah bruh

Last One Standing (Survived!Red AU) AvA/M FanficWhere stories live. Discover now