Season 15: Carry On (Rewrite)

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Hello my beautiful he/she/they's (and all other pronouns that you chose to identify as)! So we have officially approached the anniversary of your beloved angel, Castiel's death. I've said it once and I will say it again; Castiel deserved better. As much as I value Misha and his thoughts on Castiel's heroic death, I just can't get past the fact that Cas openly confessed and Dean was not allowed to have any chance to respond. While I love Dean (and if that man knocked on my door tomorrow and asked me to come with him I definitely would), I still think in that moment that they both loved each other. I am sorry to those who disagree with me and have different thoughts on that scene, but I completely believe that Dean would have felt the same way. Cas didn't fall in love with humanity, he fell in love with it through Dean. Even after all the fights and arguments they have over the seasons, Cas always came back to Dean. I truly believe in that moment before Cas was taken by the Empty, Dean would have said it back. Jensen Ackles is an amazing actor and I will respect whatever opinion he has on the season because he did play the character for so many years, I truly believe that there was a part of Dean that loved Cas.

That being said, I am very disappointed in the ending of that episode and how the series ended as well. Dean deserved better. He deserved Cas. He deserved to die old with Cas. His life was cut short and I crave to give his character the ending he deserves. So yes, I am wanting to do a small rewrite and if you guys enjoy this, I might just make it a separate book so I can expand on this thing. I am going to try my best to write the characters exactly like they are written, but I might make a few mistakes.

So enjoy this.

Still beautiful, still Dean Winchester.


Sam walked into the war room to find Dean doing what he had been doing for the past couple weeks. Sitting at a table and tracing a set of initials as he stared off into deep thought. Sam closed his eyes for a second and sighed before making his way up the steps.

"Dean," Sam said softy as he set a beer down on the table. "Earth to Dean."

Dean slowly blinked before turning to see Sam standing beside his chair, watching him and looking concerned. "Yeah?"

Sam nodded towards the beer and moved to take a set in front of Dean. "Are you okay?"

Dean replied by opening the beer and taking a big swing. "Did you notice how quiet it is in here now without the kid?"

Sam just looked at Dean, not expecting the conversation to take this direction. "What?"

Dean waved a hand around the room. "Jack. Now that he's not here it's just quiet. I mean, I didn't think the kid made that much noise, but I'm still not use to not seeing him around here."

Sam nodded and leaned back into his chair. "Yeah. There's times that I still stop at his door and remember that he's just not in there."

"I mean," Dean started as he took another swig. "I know Jack said he was being completely hands off, but I still thought he would come down and see us."

Sam nodded again. "He's doing the right thing Dean. That's all we can ask for."

Dean waved his free hand and just stared down at the table. "It's not just here, Sam. It's outside too. It's so quiet, no hunts or impending doom. I just don't know what to do. When was the last time things where this easy?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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