You Were The First Motel Door That Opened For Me

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Hey everyone! I've come out of my cave of darkness and now it's time for me to get back into the swing of things again! This imagine was a request from the lovely _Jup1ter_! I'm sorry that this took a few more days to get out, but life gets in the way!

Request: "Her name is Alexus Whinston, she is secretly a skin walker, her dog form is a Doberman Pincher. She has a brown eye and a blue eye and her hair is nearly pure white and she keeps it pretty short. She's about 5'4.

I was thinking maybe where she like paws at the door of the motel where Sam and Dean are on a hunt (it's kinda like based off that one episode with the cop who turned to witchcraft and all and had a familiar) but they decide on keeping her even tho Dean's not completely excited about it, but he grows to love her. Then all of a sudden they both wake up and see a door that was open that's usually never open and when they look, theirs Alexus in her human form, but they don't know that because she's always a dog to them and all. And like now she's afraid of being rejected but they don't? Like they question her and like keep her within their sights at all times and takes her on hunts because you know, she's not human? Love interest with Sam and huge angst scene at the end?"

I had some fun with this imagine, so I hope you enjoy!

Run. Run. Move faster. They can't catch you.

These thoughts circled through my head as my heart pounded sickly in my chest.

Take a right. Red door. Two lefts. Air vent.

The directions that I forced myself to memorize came forward.

Escape. That's all that matters.

I crashed through the air vent and fell through the air ducks. I landed heavily on my four legs, one slightly burning.

Sprain? I don't have time.

The shouts of the demons behind me made me stand up and run faster towards the only unlocked door in this fight house. I had to make it out.

The door was in my sights when a black eyed man stepped in front of me. Gathering all my strength, I leapt over him and out the door. My paws had barely touched the ground before I was running again.

I'm out. Now to find cover.


Since the beginning I was use to the abuse. Skin walkers? We didn't get the good end of the stick. Sure, I lived in peace for a while, but what was the point to stick around and try to trust someone? The last person sold me to a skin walker fight house for a whore and money for him to blow through. Literally.

I used to be called Alexus Whinston, but the name was now long gone. I couldn't even use that name anymore or I would put back in another stupid kennel. I wasn't going to fight my way out of another trap house.

I was probably about eight miles from my place of captivity when I thought it was okay to stop and try to get my bearings. What state was I even in? I knew I had to find some clothes before I shifted back into my human form. I wasn't going to walk around naked and get arrested.

As I was nearing a small supermarket a bright sign caught my attention.

Clothing Donations Dropoff

Underneath it was a green metal box that looked full of bags. Trotting my way over I jumped over the look at the bags. Not being able to make out much, I quickly grabbed a bag from the top and bolted. I didn't want to be seen and taken to a shelter either. That might be the first place they look.

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