The Lion and The Lamb

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Requested by zeinazeina ! Thanks for the request!! Remember, they still are open!! This one has been kinda hard to right and I am so sorry about the wait!! I hate to use school as an excuse but it is my school works fault!!

Request: Demon!Dean chases Sam around the bunker but instead of wanting to hurt the reader he just wants to show her how much he loves her?

Every night was the same. A cold spot beside me.

Ever since Dean's disappearance things had gotten bad. Sam was so keen on finding him, I just couldn't tell him what I really thought.

I knew that Dean had left, but I knew whatever made Dean leave wasn't Dean. There was something wrong. Dean wouldn't just leave. It wasn't like him.

I wasn't trying to gloat and be a bitch, but he had me. Dean always said I was the light in his life, that he loved me, he would die for me. Then why would he leave?

Sam had been looking for Dean for months. It was a constant routine; get up, eat, research, drink, pass out. Me on the other hand, tried to do something more productive. Go out on little hunts, give Cas a call, just something.

I continued to toss and turn for another half hour before I got up. Wrapping the blanket around my shoulders I made my way into the Bunker's main room. My bare feet stuck to the cold floor, my brown curly hair was a mess and I was in one of Dean's old shirts.

In reality, this was the best I could look at some times.

As usual, Sam was passed out on the table, it was heartbreaking. I mean, I wanted Dean back so much, but I wasn't going to kill myself for it.

I moved the Jack Daniels bottom away from Sam's reach, then I lightly shook his shoulder. Sam reacted faster then I thought, blindly sweeping out to hit anything that could be near him. Once he saw it was me, he sighed and ran a hand down his face.

"I'm sorry Zeina. I've just been on edge lately."

I nodded and wrapped my hand around his arm and pulled up. "I know Sam, I want him back so much. But he wouldn't want you running yourself into the ground. Just get a good nights sleep and we'll do something in the morning okay?"

Sam nodded and sleepily walked towards his room. I brought hand up to rub my temples as I made way to clean up his mess. I straightened all the papers into a neat pile before putting his laptop to sleep and plugging it up to charge.

As I made my way back to the room Dean and I once shared, I looked back into Sam's. He was sleeping under the covers, but by the looks of it he didn't even bother to change.

I made my way back to my bed and gently laid down. I curled up in ball and hugged Dean's pillow to my chest. I closed my blue eyes and tried to let sleep evade me.

I love you Dean. I hope we find you tomorrow.

When I woke up the next morning, I knew something was off. It was too quiet.

Grabbing my knife from under the pillow, I cautiously made my way out into the hallway. All the lights were on, but what was amiss?

As I came into the library, I saw that all of Sam's research was gone. His laptop, the notes from last night, even a couple books from the shelves were gone.

Most of all, Sam was gone.

A note stole my attention on the table.

I'm going to find Dean. It's hurting me, and I know damn well it's hurting you. Please don't come looking for me, I'll be back soon. I don't want you getting hurt.

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