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I sat at my desk, tapping my pen non-stop, "Y/n! Could you please not do this during a test. Its really distracting to the students and me." My professor, Shehata, said while looking at me dead in the eyes.

Shehata was a pretty organized women, for her looks, she never dressed casually unless it was something "special". She was usually always in sweats. I don't even know how she was able to pass as a teacher. Nothing that she wear is professional whatsoever.

I got bored and my head began hurt to much to even put my name on my test so i just looked outside.

As i was looking outside when i had seen two blond boys.

I knew them..just not a lot. I believe one of their names is Mikey and the others name was Draken or something like that.

On the other end i kinda thought Mikey was attractive, the only problem is--he's way taller/shorter than me.

After 30 minutes had passed by Alina had finally came into class.

"ALINA! WHY ARE YOU LATE TO MY CLASS ONCE AGAIN!?" Shehata yelled as soon as Alina walked in.

"My bad teach, i had to do something, an-"


"Bitch, give me my damn test. Over here cutting me off like you my damn mom. The fuck?" Alina snatched their test away from Shehata and rolled their eyes at her.

When they noticed me they practically ran over to sit next to me.

"Why you always bein' rude to the teacher?" I whispered to them while they had a dumbfounded look on their face, they absolutely HATED math, and now that yall have a test, that they never studied for, they were completely lost.

"Huh? Oh I'm rude to her because she teaches math. Thats kinda obvious. Not to meantion how the bitch cut me off." They wrote their name on their test and started guessing random answers.

"Your gonna fail i hope you know that." I said while looking at their paper.

"And? You act like i care, gosh." Alina said as they looked at me and looked back at their paper.

Alina had this problem...like a really big problem with not caring. Soon after when Alina was "finished" with their test Simone had came in.

"OH MY GOD! I'm so sorry i woke up late..uhm can i get the test-?"

"OH HEY SIMONE!! SIT OVER HERE!" Alina yelled from across the room. Simone pushed through all of the people with her bag, and her test in her hand.

"Seriously, i don't know why you're so worried about being late. I mean you need your beauty sleep." Alina said as they got up to turn in their test.

"Shut up. Wait..your already done with your test?"


"No, they guessed on the whole thing." Alina paused for a moment and looked at you then slammed their hand on the desk grabbing everyone's attention.


"I suggest you look over that test, Alina." Simone said as she wrote her name on her paper.

"Tch, whatever imma go turn this shit in." On their way up there they slapped some kid in the back of the head and laughed.

I rolled my eyes and got annoyed of their ruthless behavior and started looking outside again. I loved seeing nature and how beautiful it is. I looked at the trees and zoned out not knowing that the bell had rang.

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