~17 the letter~

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"Dear Y/n, if you're reading this I probably got the courage to give this to you. I know I was an asshole for not defending you and Alina, but I was just so shocked. I've never seen something like that happen right in front of me. But I now realize that standing there just made me look like a coward, standing there took away my right for you to trust me, standing there probably made you think I didn't love you and that I would let anything and anyone do whatever they want to you. But that's not true, I'd would've never let anybody do what those men did to you ever again. If you haven't heard, I got those men put in jail, it took a lot without any proof but I did it, I just want you to be proud of me. I haven't been able to accept myself for so long though and I haven't moved on either. I can't knowing that you're out there hurting. I love you Y/n, and I need you to know that, I don't love anyone else out there like how I love you. I'll admit we did move a little fast but that was because I loved you. I always will no matter how mad you are at me. Because I realized without you I'm nobody, when you broke all contact with me I felt like I lost a piece of me. Without you I haven't been able to focus on anything. Especially since you moved because of me. I only want you to feel loved, sometimes I wonder if I actually did make you feel loved, because you almost never talked around me. Not until you got comfortable. But I fucked that all up. I know you probably won't forgive me for what I've done, I still haven't forgave myself...but like all relationships we have our ups and downs, the only issue is that we aren't in a relationship, not anymore, I'm hoping that by the time I give you this you'll forgive me for what I've done, I mean my hands hurt from all of this writing I don't know how Alina does it. Tell Alina I'm sorry too, they also didn't deserve that, I'll give them a separate piece of paper apologizing because that's just how much I miss you guys. Before all of this happened I wasn't myself, I was in gangs and all of this other crap but when I saw you my entire world came to light, all of the bad stuff came crashing down and turned into good stuff because of you. I know I've been an ass in the past, get it? Ass past? No? Okay, well I'm just sorry for being such an asshole and sort of ruining your life. I love you Y/n I really do, I just hope that one day you'll realize how much I love you and love me the same way I love you. I'll change for you. I promise.

Love, Chifuyu ."

As you read that letter you noticed how much you actually missed him and just how much he meant to you. Tears started falling down your face as you realized how much you've been pushing him away.

"Y/n? Why are you crying? Was it Chifuyu again? I swear I'll beat his ass." Alina said as they came in through the door.

"Partly Chifuyu and partly not, Alina...I love Chifuyu."

"Love is a strong word Y/n. What's that in your hand?"

"Oh, it's an apology letter from Chifuyu."

"He couldn't read it to you while he was here?"

"No, I pushed him away." You said crying even more.

"It's not your fault he was such an ass, and you can't help it. So what if you pushed him away? It's his fault for causing you so much pain. But if that apology letter really meant something to you them you should definitely give him one last chance. If he fucks it up then you just have nothing to do with him him and that's final." Alina said comforting you. "Y'know this isn't the first time you've cried about someone you loved."


"Yeah! In 5th grade you had a crush on this dude named Jason. So you got the nerve to ask him out and 2 months later he broke your heart because he cheated on you with some whore."

"Don't remind me of those times, I was to young for love, I still hate him by the way."

"No way."

"Yes way. I'm glad you have a soft spot for me in your heart. If it were someone else you would've told them to deal with it and that it's apart of life."

"You're my best friend, why would I not comfort you? I'll always be here with you Y/n, no matter what."

You smiled at the fact that Alina was telling the truth, you two have been through good days and bad days with each other, you've also been through heartbreaks with each other. Alina is you're soulmate, they'll always be there for you, even at your weddings,childbirths, and even funerals.

"I love you Alina."

"I love you too Y/n."

You two just sat on the couch enjoying the fact that you two would always be there for each other..

A/N: Hello to everyone reading this chapter or reading this book in general. I just wanted to thank all of you for your support through every little chapter of this book, if it wasn't for all of you I probably would've made it this far. Though some of my other books aren't getting as much attention as this one, except for the Vi one, I'm very grateful for all of y'all, you guys are my motivation. I love you all and I hope you guys have a wonderful day/afternoon/night<333

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