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Mw and Alina were singing our lungs off in the kitchen while singing one of our favorite songs.

We both has something in common. 1: We both liked girls/guys. And 2: We both loved drake.

I forgot Chifuyu was in my room so i had the best time of my life with Alina.

The both of us were singing and sliding on the newly cleaned the floor. Then suddenly, Chifuyu came out of the room but i didn't notice because of how loud the music was.

Alina also didn't notice since Simone and Takemichi had already left they thought Chifuyu got up early and left. I have no clue why they thought that after he stated that he lost him and Takemichi's key.

He tried calling me and Alina's name but he couldn't get neither of our attention so he just went to go get water.

I seen him, Alina still dancing and singing. When they noticed i stopped they turened down the music.

"Hey. Why'd you stop?" They looked up an saw Chifuyu on his phone with no shirt on and sweats.

"Damn Chifuyu if i was into dick I'd suck you off right here right now." They said while licking their lips and winking at Chifuyu.

I seriously don't know what to do with their flirty side. Sometimes i liked it and sometimes i didn't.

suddenly Alina started playing Halley's Comet by Billie Eilish.

"OH COME ON ALINA NOT THAT SAD SHIT AGAIN!" They ignored me and continued singing.

They have a very beautiful singing voice i have to admit. When they would sing while cleaning or while shopping or doing anything that didn't need a speaker they would sing it. Ive told them so many times that they should become a singer but they never listen. At that they play the flute, violin, and the piano.

Sometimes it sounded annoying, but whenever they play a song it sounds absolutely beautiful.

"Hey, Chifuyu when did you get here?"

"Oh ive been here." He said as they looked at him in surprise.

"Seriously?! Where were you?" Alina asked as he smirked and i gave him a glare.

"Wait. Please don't tell me you two had sex." I snapped your head towards Alina.

"ACTUALLY WE DID NOT THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!" I said while Alina gave me that look.

"Okay first of all you got me fucked up thinkin' you can yell at me like that. I hope you don't forget who pays for you to live here. So before you EVER think about raising your voice at me or yelling at me ooooooh. You're either gonna see the light or you gon' feel what them bitches on the streets be feelin'. Is that under stood?" I nodded mu head fearing to say anything else after they said that.

Chifuyu's mouth had turned into a O. He knew some what of Alina's wrath looked like.

'What a mood killer.' I thought to myself while glaring at Alina. I started cursing them from under my breath until i heard a knock at the door.

"YAY! THAT MUST BE SIMONE!!" They said while running twords the door. "SIMONE!!" They gave Simone a huge hug at the door and continued hugging her until they both got inside. They can change up their mood so quick its unbelievable, one second they'll be a forest fire, then they'll be a innocent snowman.

"Oh yeah, Y/n you said you were staying for the party right?" Alina had asked while letting go of Simone.

"Yeah. But what will i wear. I don't have any fancy dreesses." I said while texting someone on my phone.

"Just wear a bra and some underwear. That'll be fine with me baby." Simone slapped Alina's shoulder and mumbled something to them.

"Ugh, gosh you didn't have to slap me. Anyways, Chifuyu get out unless you wanna help prepare."

"I would be down to do it but Takemichi is blowing up my phone to help him get the place straightened up."

"You two literally live over where all them ghetto bitches that be tryna fight me over there. Speaking of ghetto, have you talked to Souta and Nahoya? I haven't been able to get in touch with them ever since they moved over there. And Y/n before you ask if i just called your favorite twins ghetto, you've got it wrong. Ill NEVER call Nahoya ghetto."

"Oh i actually talked to them this morning." Simone had stated while finally putting the party decorations on the table.

"Oh yeah me too. Their doing good but... i think they forgot about you Alina." I said.

Alina's face went from happy to irritated in the blink of an eye.

"Simone...give me yo phone."

"What?! Why do i have to give my phone to you?!"

"I don't wanna repeat myself. Give it to me NOW!"

"Okay, okay gosh chill out man."

They started dialing a number, knowing everyone's number by heart, when they finally found one of their numbers they started calling it.

'Yo, whats up Simone?'

"Hey.. Souta. Its me Alina. Miss me mother fucker? I heard you and Nahoya forgot about me. So whats up with that?"

'Dumbass we didn't forget about you. Well.. something like that but we didnt forget about you. We did wonder how you've been with that temper of yours.'

"Tch, like your one to talk, ugly. Imma send you my number and i want you and Nahoya to text me under stood?"

'Yeah, yeah whatever. Ill text you later stupid.'

And with that he hung up the phone and Alina went ahead and sent their number to Souta.

"Ight yall. Lets start getting prepared."

"Imma bounce now. Bye." Chifuyu said forgetting his shirt.

Me, Alina, and Simone started setting everythung up. I focused on the living room. Simone focused on the hallway and the ceiling. And Alina focused on cooking food that they hoped was enough for everyone.

Honestly, with Alina anger and stupidity they can get a lot done when their by themselves.

When you finished everything you went into your room to find something to wear.

I never wore skin-tight dresses and mainly wore skirts. So i decided to put something together my own self.

I put on my f/c skirt topped with a matching top.

I got some long socks and like always, i wore converses with the outfit too.

While Alina was looking for something to wear i decided to try a little bit of their cooking. Usually they started parties at 12-4 and ended them at 5-7AM.

I never understood why they did this but it seemed more fun to them.

They set up their speaker that was almost dead and sent an Email to everyone they forgot to invite.

We all finished everything and sat patiently for people to show up.

I played with my rings. Nervous for what might happen tonight. Especially after what Chifuyu said..

A/n: YAY I MADE IT TO CHAPTER 4!! Usually i wouldn't make it this far and either give up or forget about it. But i made this chapter short so i can hurry onto the next one<3

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