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"No your "muscles" are not visible. Mine are though." Paris said flexing. Alina stared at her and started laughing. "What's so funny." Paris asked Alina.

"Nothing, it's just the fact that you two are arguing over who's muscles are bigger." Alina said when they all of a sudden got a text. They're face turned straight and you saw them grab their phone and text back whoever just texted them.

"Who was it?" Angelese asked.

"My mom." Alina said. Alina and their mom were never on close terms, ever since their dad passed away their mom has been going through men like crazy. "She said that her and my siblings are coming down to see me today. She doesn't know you guys are staying over, I forgot today was her birthday. I feel so shitty." They said.

"Don't feel shitty. It's not your fault she practically ignored you." Paris said while eating a slice of pizza.

"Yeah, when was the last time she texted you besides today?" You asked.

"She hasn't texted me for almost two years now. He have any of y'all heard from Coach Kayla?" Alina said.

"No, I heard that her husband passed away and she isn't on best terms with life right now. And she's pregnant." Chifuyu said.

"Well then we should pay her a visit." You said.

"After I talk to my mom." Alina said, "We should get going. I don't wanna deal with my mom bickering because we left her outside." Alina said as they started packing everything up.

"Wait do we have to share a pizza with her?" Paris asked.

"Maybe." Hisella said.


When you guys got there you seen a white car parked outside of you and Alina's house. You recognized that car, it was their moms car.

Alina's mom got out of the car and was surprised to see everyone else pull up.

"Are you tryna have everyone gang up on me or something Alina?" Their mom said.

"No mom, how long did you guys have to wait here?" They asked as their mom followed them to the door.

"Not for long. Oh my god you grew up so fast! You look just like me, everyone said you would look like me. Do you own this place?"


"With no one's help?!"

"Kinda, Y/n helped me through the process." They said as they unlocked the door.

"Oh! Hey y/n!"

"Hey Ms.Tiffany. How are the kids?"

"Alyssa and Jeremiah went off to college and Sj just turned 14 not to long ago."

"Seriously? I remember when he was only 9."


"Mom I thought you said everyone would be down here. Did Alyssa and Jeremiah not wanna come?"

"Oh they are. I'm just not sure what's taking them so long." Alina's mom said as she sat down on the couch.

"Mom let me show you the room you'll be staying in." Alina said.

"Okay baby."


"Damn that's Alina's mom?! How old is she?!" Chifuyu said.

"I think their mom is like in her early 40s. But don't fall for her, she's a bitch."

"I'll take your word for it." Chifuyu said.

𝒮𝓌ℯℯ𝓉 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒮ℴ𝓊𝓇  ❥𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓎𝓊 𝓍 ℛℯ𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓇❥Where stories live. Discover now