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Y'all Megan looks so hot in that photo I can't😍😍

"I'm sorry Chifuyu but..I can't take you seriously when you only have on a towel. And I just got out of a relationship so give me some time to think about it okay?" You said.

"Oh, okay. I'll go put on some clothes then." He said as he got up and exited the room.

"Well damn, I forgot he didn't have anything on. And why'd you reject him? I know you just got out of a relationship with Mikey and all but you could at least give him another chance. Did you not see how sad he looked?" Alina said.

"Alina I don't think Y/n needs scolding right now. She looks heartbroken too." Soléana said.

"Oops my bad. Anyways Paris and Angelese are coming into town."

"Who's Paris and Angelese?" You asked.

"Bro, do you really not remember them?! All four of us used to have sleepovers like 24/7 back in 7th grade."

"Ohhh that Paris and Angelese. Now I remember."

"Oh I think the rest of our friend group is coming down here too." Alina said scrolling on their phone.

"Even Kylan?!" You said shocked.

"Yup." Alina said.

"God that guy is so annoying." Soléana said as she took a seat on the couch.

"So um what's the real reason you rejected Chifuyu?" Alina asked.

"I did give him the real reason, I'm still attracted to him but I just got out of a relationship and I don't want to rush into anything. Y'know?" You said.

"Yeah i understand, let him take you out on a few dates tho. Just to see how you feel, because I believe you didn't even like Mikey."

"I didn't and I still don't, I just thought he was cute and then Draken went and told him. To be honest he was paying me."

"Wait how much?" Soléana asked.

"Like around $300 each time he visited or each time he took me out on one of those shitty dates. And I knew he didn't actually love me because he was paying me. Someone who loves me won't pay me for their love."


"I guess I'll let Chifuyu take me out on a few dates then, just to see if there still something."

"There obviously is because you two keep running to each other." Alina said.

"Or it's toxic." Soléana said.

"I don't think their relationship is toxic Soléana, do you see how they look at each other. Chifuyu has you as his lock screen Y/n."

"Wait he does?"

"That's cringey." Soléana said.


"Sorry for the long wait. All I have are dirty clothes." Chifuyu said.

"No problem me and Soléana will do them, right love?" Alina said as they got up.

"Uh yeah sure." Soléana said following them.

"What now?" He said.

"Well they obviously did this on purpose. They wanted me to let you take me out on a few dates to see how I feel about you. I agreed."

"Wait really?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! ILL MAKE SURE OUR FIRST DATE IS SPECIAL!" He said with a huge grin on his face reaching from ear to ear.

'He really is adorable.' You thought as you looked at the huge smile on his face.

"DAMN IT CHIFUYU WHERES YOUR FUCKING WASHER?!" Alina said. "Fuck it I'll just take this shit to my place and do it. Your room is a mess. I have to get the house ready for some company anyways." Alina said as Soléana and them carried out things of dirty clothes. "Chifuyu I better not find no stiff socks in this hoe." Alina said as Soléana snickered.


You and Chifuyu have been talking for three hours getting to know each other more you were leaning on his shoulder and his head was on top of yours.

"Alina told me you have my face on your Lock Screen."

"I don't know how they saw my Lock Screen but it's true. I would stare at it everyday wondering when I'll get to see it in real action. Now look, I'm able to. And I'm loving every moment of it. Words can't even describe how much I've missed you and how much I love you...but I think I know what will." He said as he looked at you in the eyes, he leaned in and kissed you, slowly. You kissed back as he pulled you in tighter with one hand on your thigh as his hand roamed higher and higher up your thigh. It started to get hotter and hotter as things escalated. But you two were interrupted when you got a call from Alina. And you just stared at it.

"Are you gonna answer that?" Chifuyu asked.

"No, Alina can wait." You said as you shut off your phone and kissed him.

He started kissing your neck and laid you down on the couch kissing you more and more. He took off his shirt and you did the same. He went further down until he got to your breasts.

"May I?" He asked.

"Of course." You said.

He started undoing your bra and murmured "fuck" under his shaky breath, you knew that soon he wouldn't be able to take it anymore. He started kissing one boob and massaged the other. You wrapped your legs around him, wanting to take things further. He undid his pants slipped them off, you also slipped yours off including your f/c underwear. Your back arched, wanting to get more of him, you also knew that he wanted to take his time to please you. Until you begged for it.

He put one of his hands on your waist, the other tracing your leg.

"Damn it Chifuyu let's just get this done and over with, my group chat is coming down here." You said as you flipped him and got on top of him. You put his member inside of you and moaned, as you were riding him he was grunting and moaning.

"Fuck Y/n, you're crazy." He said as he threw his head back when all of a sudden someone opened the front door. You two froze.

"Uh Chifuyu. Where are you? Why is it's so dark I. The living room?" Takemichi said as he turned on the light.

"HOLY SHIT WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN! I LIVE HERE TOO, YOU HAVE A BEDROOM FOR A REASON! USE IT FOR GODS SAKE!" Takemichi yelled as he covered his eyes and ran out of the living room. You hearing and got off of Chifuyu and put on your clothes. You fixed your hair and told Chifuyu that you were going to see the group chat. He said okay and you were on your way.


When you arrived you seen so many cars you had nowhere to park so you just parked text to your neighbors. You went and opened the door and it was dead silent.

"Uh guys." You said. You then heard chatting outside in the backyard, so you went outside and sure enough, everyone was there.

"Bro is that Y/n?!" Kylan said.

"Wow when did she turn into a hot babe." Paris said.

"Did your butt get bigger?" Mia said.

"Hi to you too guys." You said.

"Oh my god please marry me your voice is so hot." Paris said.

"Dude Y/n what took you so fucking long?" Alina asked.

"Me and Chifuyu were busy getting to know each other more."

"Who's Chifuyu?" Kylan asked.

"Someone I'm talking to."

"Awe man." Paris said.

"And when we're you gonna tell us about him?" Hisella said. You and Hisella were like best friends and you were sure she wouldn't come but there she was.

"I was gonna tell y'all today. Anyways let's get inside and spend time together." You said changing the subject.

'Life is going great.'

𝒮𝓌ℯℯ𝓉 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒮ℴ𝓊𝓇  ❥𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓎𝓊 𝓍 ℛℯ𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓇❥Where stories live. Discover now