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🫤TW🫤 (Not a good one btw)

Alina was still a bit down by the time everyone got there which kinda made you a bit sad, you wished that they would just get over it, but knowing Alina they might never get over it. You guys got out of the car and you all stretched from the drive you guys had to undergo.

"Alright imma need all of y'all to stay by me so we can have a good time is that understood?" Everyone said yes and you all chose a spot to place y'all's beach towels at.

"Alina, wanna do swimming with me?" You offered.

"Nah, I just had wash day." They said pulling out their phone.

"Let's just go together." Chifuyu offered. You accepted and you both went in the water. It was cold but it was perfect since it was screeching hot outside. You two were splashing each other and you even accidentally got some in your mouth. You the caught Baiji, Simone, and Coach playing together too, the only one who was left out was Alina. But they did say that they just had wash day so you didn't really care.


About and hour in you look over to see how Alina is doing and you see two guys talking to them, and they were visibly uncomfortable.

"I'll be right back Chifuyu." You said as Chifuyu had a confused expression on his face.

"Excuse me? Do you know them?" You asked the two men nicely.

"No but we're getting to, she won't talk to us so we don't see what the point is, what's your name doll? Being all dressed up like that. Say you got a boyfriend?" The man asked you as he stepped closer to you with lust in his eyes.

"Leave her alone." Alina said.

"What're you gon' do 'bout it?" The other man said as he as he started rubbing on Alina's thighs. They kept moving away being uncomfortable.

"Okay, can you like stop touching me? It's making me uncomfortable." Alina said.

"Shut the fuck up bitch." The man rubbing them said. Their expression changed from being uncomfortable to angry as hell.


The man then slapped them and they started attacking the man they were so caught up in that fight that the other man started touching you inappropriately, you kept pushing him away but he wouldn't stop. You pushed him forcefully and yelled at him to stop but he just attacked you.

"Listen you little slut, I'll fuck you right here and allow everyone to fucking watch. So you can get in the car with me or we can do it right here." He said as he started groping you.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!" You heard your coach say as she attacked him, Baji attacked the other dude that had Alina pinned down. Simone had called the cops and it changed everything. You were having a good day until they decided to show up. You just glared at Chifuyu as he just stood there.


On the way back it was so quiet. You all packed your things at the hotel and left. How could Chifuyu just stand there and watch as you and Alina get groped, what if no one noticed and something bad happened?! He just stood and watched, you saw him too. He saw those guys when you walked over to help Alina. You couldn't believe that he would do something like that..

"Chifuyu what the hell man?! Just leaving us like that?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU HUH?!" Alina yelled at Chifuyu as he sat there with his earbuds in. "Y'know what? Fuck you, I'm sick of your shit. I'm sick of all of y'all's shit." Alina said as they sat back. The rest of the car ride was again silence. When coach dropped you and Alina off, Alina slammed the door shut and flipped off Chifuyu, coach was obviously mad because she didn't say anything about Alina slamming the car door.

Alina went straight to their room and locked the door, all you could think about was how fucked up that move was. All you wanted to do was sleep and get Monday over with.


Monday 5:3o AM

You woke up to your alarm and the smell of freshly made coffee, you stretched and finally got up.

"Looks like someone is finally up." You heard Chifuyu say as he tried to give you the coffee he had made.

"Why the hell are you in here after what you did yesterday? Hm?! You think me and Alina would just forget about it? How'd you even get in here anyways? Did Alina let you in? I mean, no matter how tired they are they would not let you in, it doesn't matter if you're being chased by a killer they would not let you in so how did you get in?" You asked.

"Alina dropped their keys again. And I'm sorry for yester-." You cut him off.

"No you're not Chifuyu, what you did was unacceptable. Now get the hell out before I wake up Alina."

"I won't stop bothering you until you accept my apology." Just then Alina's alarm went off the sound of the alarm echoed through the entire apartment as you heard Alina get out of bed. Then their door opened.

"Y/n you made coffee? Might as well put it in the sink now because the last time you made coffee that shit was nasty-." Alina's eyes then landed on Chifuyu. They took a deep breathe trying to stay calm but you could notice the anger and the death threats all over their face. "Y/n...did you let him in? Because I swear if you did it's yo ass." Alina asked.

"No he let himself in, I told him to leave but knowing how hardheaded he is he just thought a sorry would cut it. How he got in? You dropped your keys and he just thought it would be okay to come in without any of our consent." You said crossing your arms.

"Get out. I'm saving you an ass whopping right now. Get the hell out." Alina said as he slowly put the coffee down and left. Alina murmured something under their breath as they went and got ready for the day.

Once you both made it to school on time you seen your close friends Paris and Angelese. Alina went to go hang out with them while you just went to class.

'Today is gonna be a long day.' You thought to yourself as you took your seat.

A/n: sorry for not updating everyone, this week has been a long week and i didn't know what to write😭😭 can you guys give me some more story suggestions bc I feel like my story is getting boring🥹

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