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Alina held our newborn child. We thought this day would never come. After everything we've been through we finally had a child together.

"Y/n, she's so fucking beautiful." Alina said as she held me and Chifuyu's daughter. Chifuyu rushed in, sweat dripping down his head. He quickly wiped it off. He reached his hand out to our daughter while Alina gave her to him. "Damn Chifuyu, you look like you're the one that gave birth. The fuck you sweating so hard for?" Alina asked. Ignoring Alina, i laid my head back and relaxed.

It hit me.

"Shit, ill have to get my period soon." I cursed under my breath.

"No shit. I mean, would you rather have you period or a child in your stomach for the rest of your life?" Alina asked.

"Period for sure." I said as i smiled.

"That's what I thought, i need to catch my breath. Its getting hot." Alina said as she stood up.

"It's not even hot. They got that air on extra cold." I said. Still, she got up and left.

I wish I would've stopped her but, it seemed like she already had her mind made up. Maybe then things would've been different.

Chifuyu saw next to me as he stared at out baby for what seemed like an eternity. Right there in that moment, i felt happy. I felt as if everything around me couldn't have gotten any better.

"Y/n, I love you." Chifuyu said. My world stopped.

"I, uh, I love you too Chifuyu." I stammered.

"Remember when we first met?" He asked.

"Yeah." I sighed. Before he could say anything else we heard yelling and screaming. He slowly gave our daughter to me while he went to go see what happened, leaving the door open as he peeped through the door. Right before our eyes, Alina's body laid as people carried her into the emergency room.

My heart dropped to my stomach. My eyes began to swell as my heart raced. Chifuyu looked at me, widened eyes and his eyes also swelling up.

"Was that Alina...?" I asked, my voice slowly giving out. Chifuyu slowly nodded as he left the room, closing the door behind him. Tears trickled down my face as I remembered all of the memories with me and Alina. Everything we've been through together.


After being discharged from the hospital, I decided to see how Alina was doing.

"Hi, you're Y/n?" The nurse asked.

"Yes." I said. My eyes looked puffy and bloodshot.

"Okay well, she needs to be released. We need more rooms and all she's doing is taking up is space." The nurse said bluntly.

"Im sorry? So you're taking her off life support?" I asked, my voice getting shaky.

"Sadly yes, we have no clue how long she'll be on this, and we need the extra space. We have other people to take care of ma'am." The nurse said.

"What the hell do you mean?!" I asked, my voice raising. "You're going to risk her life because you meed more rooms?! ITS ONLY BEEN A FUCKING DAY!" I yelled. "Could you at least tell me what happened?" I said, trying to calm myself down.

"Please lower your voice. And yes, it's only been a day but there are people with other, more severe, health problems." The nurse said. "It seems like stress overload. Her body couldn't process it all so it just shut down everything. We tried our best, but the stress is not mild and seems to have been growing for years now." The nurse said as she jotted down notes. "I'll leave you two alone." She said as she walked out.

I looked at Alina motionless body and bursted into tears. I fell to my knees trying to wipe away the tears that kept pouring down. My breath became patchy as I cried lowder and lowder. I hoped Alina would at least attend my marriage. She promised.

I stood up and looked at her. Her skin seemed lighter than ever and just by her face she looked stressed. I cupped my hand around her warm but slightly cold cheeks. I hugged her stiff body as i sobbed. My head began to throb the longer and harder i cried. I hugged her body tighter, i then climbed into the bed and held her body. I laid my head on her chest as i felt her lightly breathing. I cried in her arms like how i always do when im in distress. I felt sorry. Not only for Alina but for me and everyone else.

The fact that no one noticed she was struggling made it hard to believe it was even true. I rubbed the tattoo of my name on her left wrist. I stared at it, i never noticed she got that. A lump formed in my throat as I began to realize how much Alina loved me.

Chifuyu walked in and saw me.

"Everything alright?" He asked me.

"Did you ever notice the tatto on Alinas left wrist?" I asked, not looking away from the colorful tattoo with butterflies and hearts swarming around it.

"No, what tattoo?" He asked as he walked closer. He softly grabbed Alina's wrist and looked at the tattoo. His eyes began to get red as he sniffed. I got out of the bed and walked towards him. We hugged each other as we cried more and more. He grasped me harder as he cried into my neck.

I wanted this all to be a dream, but it all seemed to real.

He looked at Alina and let go, walkimg towards her. He just stared at her. Before he could say anything the nurse walked in.

"It's time. Say your goodbyes."

Those were the words that crashed my entire world down. Alina was my world.

We hosted a funeral for her not even a week after. After everything we've all been through, the struggle, anger, sadness. All of it seemed like a waste. Though Alina wasn't there to see me and Chifuyu's child grow into the beautiful young lady she is today...i know she'll always be beside me.

If you notice someone acting off, talk to them, see whats wrong, trust me. Always trust your damn gut. No matter what, you should always trust it. People are good at hiding how they feel, like they always have a mask on. But trust me, if you really cared, you would be able to see right through that fucking mask. -Alina.

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