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The date was quiet, the only thing you heard was the music in the background and other people talking.

"So uh, are you liking it so far?" He asked looking up from his plate to you.

"Yeah i love it actually. This is actually the first time someone has taken me out on a date. Thank you." You smiled at him and he smiled back a little.

"Well im glad I'm your first time."


"Bye Y/n, i enjoyed our date today."

"I enjoyed it too."

You walked into the house and obviously Alina was cleaning.

"I'm back Alina!"

"Uh-huh how'd it go?"

"I loved it actually."

"Y/n, Chifuyu is in your room he has a few words so say to you." They said looking down at the floor while they swept for the 5th time.

"Are you fucking kidding me Alina?! You know how i feel about him!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever just go hear him out, i already did so now its your turn."

Surprisingly they didn't yell at you and was just emotionless, although they get like this sometimes when they're zoned out or is really focused but their voice was just so low it worried you.

As you walked over to your room you could hear him and Simone talking, when you walked into the room you seen Chifuyu fidgeting wuth his hands and Simone comforting him.

"Y/n, im incredibly sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude to you and i didn't think that my words and my actions would affect our relationship. Its obvious that i want to me more than just friends but, i was so embarrassed to say it in front of the twins, because i felt like i would be saying something that was against your will. And when i told you about everyone else and what they were doing in they're personal lives i didnt think i would hurt you so much to were you would end up crying and telling Alina and Simone. I was stupid and was out of my mind, and my jealousy took over. You don't have to forgive me for what I've done, i know that from the start you've hated me and i just kept pushing myself to get closer to you, so you don't have to forgive me i just want things so go back to normal. Im very sorry."

Your heart melted hearing this apology, you've never heard someone apologize like this every other man that apologized had just said sorry and expected you to forgive them. But he was..different.

"I accept your apology-"

"Thank you Y/n. I love you." He cut you off.

"...we just met. It's to early to say that."

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry."

"Awe how cute, i hope you both find out you guys are related and never talk to each other again. Anyways, now that you guys are done with that lovey dovey shit get your asses out here and help clean. I already chose to do the kitchen and dishes so don't walk in there."

"But you always do dishes." You, Chifuyu and Simone say at the same time.

"Okay and? When you guys wash 'em they always got oil or leftover food in there. Yall suck ass at cleaning dishes."

"Damn, you ain't gotta call me out like that though." You said.

"Oh well cry about it i don't fucking care."

You guys were cleaning for about an hour until you guys finished.

"YAY, the house smells so good! And its so clean i love it." Alina said twirling around and jumping everywhere.

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