~6~ [Time To Clean :DD]

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"Shit where is it?" You mumbled under your breath looking for your new earrings Alina bought you.

"Whatchu lookin' for? Your sex toy or something?" They said standing in your doorway leaning on your doorframe.

"No, im looking for something thats really valuable to me." You scoffed and continued looking.

"Well..MAYBE IF YOU WOULD GET THIS PIT OF HELL CLEANED YOU WOULD FIND IT! Gosh, if i were to walk in here I'd be swallowed by all the clothes and mess on the floor."

"Alina why are you yelling this early in the-... Y/n.... please tell me whats going on in your room.." Simone said standing in front of your room with her eyes open.

"Its not my fault.. i just never have time to clean it." You said standing up.

"WELL THEN CANCEL YOUR PLANS! BECAUSE TODAY.... WE FINNA CLEAN BITCHES!" Alina said running of into their room to grab the supplies.

You rolled your eyes not knowing what you guys are gonna find in there.


"Okay so, for starters lets start off with the clothes on the floor so we can actually walk in." Simone said staring to grab clothes and putting them into a clothes basket.

"Uh, your gonna need more than one basket." Alina said pointing at the basket and Simone.

"Okay then, since your the cleaning expert how about you do it." Simone said standing and crossing her arms.

"Bet. Ill be right back." They said walking into their room.


You and Simone sat on your bed waiting for Alina to come back.

When they got there they had about 8 baskets and who knows how much hangers they have.

"Alright, lets get to cleaning whores." They said placing the items down.


An hour into it you and Simone lost hope but Alina was to much into their own world to notice that you two had just sat on the bed.

They finished all of the clothes and started vacuuming the carpet.

Then moved onto the dressers. Then the closet, then finally to the bed.

"Yo..CAN YALL MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY IM TRYNA CLEAN THIS PIT OF HELL!" They started yelling at the both of you as the started to push the both of you to one side until you both fell on the newly cleaned floor.

When they were shaking off your blankets something shiny had flew into the air and hit the floor.

"What. The. Hell. Was. That?" Alina said slowly turning around to see the object. "Oh! It was the earrings i bought you! Here Y/n."

'Thank god they found it." You said to yourself looking at them.

They finished your room and even found some led lights you had forgotten about and put those up.

"Wow. We did a great job guys." They said with a big smile plastered on their face.

"Yeah.. we did it." Simone going a long with what Alina had said.

"Great job guys. Im so proud of you guys!" They said with a even bigger smile.

A/n: This one was kinda pointless but i just felt like making a shorter chapter than all the other ones and to make this one with a bit of fluff. Im so sorry i haven't been active ive just been really busy with y'know life and my grades ( although i really don't care i just wanna get them up before Christmas break:))

add my disc to be added to my server (in love with Hyun-su#1864)

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