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Lol time skip~
1 year later😛😛😛

"FUCK!"Alina screamed looking at their phone.

"What is it now?" You asked, they've been doing this for a while now and it's usually the same thing over and over again.

"I'm broke again." They said as they grabbed their keys. "And I totally forgot I had a job. Cya later hottie, I'm not gonna be back till 11 since I need to make up some hours." They said as they left the house not giving you a chance to say goodbye. Alina had just recently gotten a job and their now studying for a medical university.

Chifuyu has been blowing up your phone but you could give two shits.


You had gotten hungry and decided to go make something to eat, but just as you were getting up you heard the doorbell ring. You looked out the peep hole to see Chifuyu. You ignored it and went back o what you were doing.

"Y/n, I know your in here. I just saw Alina left and you didn't leave with them. Just please open the door so we can talk this out. Please Y/n." He said.

You opened the door anyways just to see him with flowers in his hand.

"Look I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not apologizing sooner. But since the incident I couldn't get you off my mind. Ca-."

"CHIFUYU WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AT MY DOOR HUH?! THIS AIN'T NO ROMANCE BOOK, GET SOMEWHERE. Y/n was he begging for money again. Money hungry bitch. I literally gave you like $400 yesterday and that's why I'm broke now." Alina said pushing past Chifuyu into the house.

"Wait why are you back Alina?"

"I forgot to give Soléana the house key, she needs to go somewhere and then she'll be back and Chifuyu please get in somewhere with your life. I don't want my girlfriend to see a beggar at my front door." They said now standing next to you.

"Okay I'm not a beggar I only ask you for that $400 yesterday so I can get my car fixed." He said.

"Well maybe if you worked you wouldn't have to be begging for money, besides Y/n don't like your ass anyways. To be honest ion even know why I forgave you."

"Well I was just about to apologize so if you'll excuse me, I'll be coming inside now." He said trying to walk past Alina.

"Woah, what the hell do you think your doing? Ask Y/n first." Alina said.

"Y/n can I come inside? I need to have a talk with you." He said looking at you dead in the eyes, you nodded your head and he came inside.

"Alright, I'll be heading out now. Bye bitches." Alina said closing the door.

"Look Y/n, I know what I did that day was wrong and I seriously do wish I could go back into the past and fix what I've done, I'm sorry."

"You're apologizing?" You said in a not so surprised voice.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I really am."

"Alright, I don't forgive you for what you've done though."

"Y/n, I said I'm sorry."

"Okay and I heard you, I don't forgive you. Do you not hear yourself? You didn't apologize for a year and now you just wanna come around and expect me to just forgive you? So no I'm not just gonna forgive you like that."

"I understand. I'll leave." He said starting to get up off of the couch.

"No, stay. What's the point of apologizing and then leaving? At least hang out with me or something. I don't wanna be stuck here with Alina's girlfriend, you know how awkward it would be? So just stay here." You said as you grabbed his wrists. He made eye contact with you and you didn't know how to feel. Just then Soléana walked out.

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