~26~ (Final chapter...)

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5:00 AM

I couldn't sleep all night, I felt bad for my outburst on Chifuyu. He didn't do anything wrong, he was just checking up on me. I sat up and sighed, I was about to walk out of my room when I heard Alina's coffee pot on, I sat back down and waited. Since I was still mad at them I didn't want to see their face. I then heard some talking outside of my room, it sounded like Chifuyu and Alina were talking. I wanted to see Chifuyu and apologize to him, but I'm just to mad to even go out there. I decided that I'll just get ready for work and grabbed my uniform. After I put on my uniform I still heard them talking.

'Fuck it.' I thought to myself as I walked out of my room, my head was down, not wanting to see Alina's face and to ashamed to face Chifuyu.

"Good morning Y/n." Chifuyu and Alina said as they  both drank coffee.

"Why do you have on your uniform? It's New Years Eve, no one should have work today." Chifuyu said.

"Huh?" I muttered under by breath and checked, it matter in fact was December 31st.

"Sorry we couldn't do Christmas like how we did the past years. But today the three of us, we're all going to hang out. Jut the three of us, no one else. And I promise I won't talk to any of my hoes." Alina said.

"Me too." Chifuyu said.

"WHAT?! WHAT HOES?!" Alina yelled while laughing, "You cant pull anyone with your height, you're only 5'6. It's a shame that I'm taller than you, and younger than you at that." Alina said while they put down their coffee. I chuckled.

"Okay you being like 5 inches taller than me means nothing." Chifuyu said as he side eyed Alina.

"You're 25, about to be 26, and I'm 23. You're 5'6 and I'm 5'11, that just makes me better than you."

"How exactly?" He asked getting irritated.

"I have no clue, but all I know is that I'm better than you. It just works like that, just looks like you ate too many sweets as a kid. Remember when you said you would get your growth spirt and you would be taller than me?"

"Oh yeah I remember."

"Where's that growth spirt? Because to me it just seems like you stayed the same height, maybe you grew like two inches but that didn't get you anywhere." Alina said while trying to contain their laugh. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You think that's funny Y/n?! Your friend over here is making fun of your boyfriend!" Chifuyu yelled.

"Well, I can't stop Alina from telling the truth." I said. Chifuyus mouth flew open in disbelief.

"Are you being serious?! But you're shorter than me!" He yelled.

"Yeah by a few inches." I said while laughing.

"Yeah okay, didn't you think you had work today?" He said teasingly.

"Okay but didn't you say that you'd let Baji fuck you in the ass any day?" Alina said jumping in.

"Alright alright, that's enough." Chifuyu said putting his arms up. I looked at Chifuyu crazily and walked back into my room to change into something more comfortable. It honestly blew my mind that Chifuyu and Alina could just forget about what happened last night. After changing into some sweats and a baggy shirt. I slowly walked out of my room and saw that Chifuyu and Alina were putting on their shoes.

"Are you wearing that to the store?" Alina asked.

"Um, no? I thought we were staying inside." I said confused.

"Well go hurry up and get dressed before you get left." Alina said as they tied their converses. I rushed into my room and put on my favorite pants and a nice shirt to go along with it. I grabbed my f/s and ran out the door to Alina's car.

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