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You and Chifuyu were having so much fun together, he sorta sucked at the games but you made sure to teach him.

10 more games later you spot Alina and Baji, he was behind Alina teaching them how to play a game and by the looks of it he was almost touching their ass.

"I KNEW YOU WERE STRAIGHT ALINA!" You said out of nowhere causing them and Baji to jump.

"Bro what? He was just teaching me how to play this stupid game thats about to make me grow white hair."

"You sure? It looked like he wanted to do more than just teach you the game." Chifuyu said with a smirk.

"Guys chill, we're just friends. Besides Alina likes girls." Baji said.

"You mean used to like girls." You said teasing the both of them.

"Excuse me?" Alina said.

"Yeah i said it."

"I saw you and Chifuyu in that back room over there making out. If yall want we can go to a club." Alina said crossing their arms witha smirk on their face too.

"No way, what about coach?"

"What about me?" Your coach was towering over you with her arms crossed and Simone was just holding a bunch of tickets.

"What time is it Y/n?"

"Its uh 9:32, why?"

"We need to go, tomorrow is Monday i really don't wanna see our ugly ass math teacher but i have to."

"Oh quit it, Shehata isn't that bad, she's just strict."

"Strict my ass, she's a pain." Alina said as you guys walked out to Alina's car.

"Oh whatever, you kids nowadays just don't know how to respect people." Coach said as she got into the car and started it up.

"She literally called me a hood rat." Alina said.

"Whats a hood rat?" Everyone asked.

"What it sounds like, a black rat." Alina said crossing their arms.

"SHE SAID THAT DURING BLACK HISTORY MONTH?!" Coach said looking in the back seat.


"I know she didn't, im finna get her fired . She actually said that?!" Coach said flabbergasted.

"As you should, and yes. I literally recorded it in the voice memo thingy on my phone."Alina said as they rested their head on the car door.

The rest of the car ride was quiet the only thing that you guys could hear was Alina's headphones booming inside of their ear. Simone was obviously on Instagram minding her business not giving a simgle fuck about whats going on around her. Baji for some reason had his head resting on Alina's thighs and was passed out. Honestly you couldn't blame him, Alina had big squishy thighs that could be the most comfortable pillows you could ever lay on in your entire life. Alina doesn't care if people lay on their thighs because ever since you guys were kids they always allowed you and Simone to lay on them and they still do. Usually when Alina first gets to know someone they don't really allow them to lay on their thighs, but after 3 months they'll allow it.

You had your head resting on Chifuyu's shoulder and was about to fall asleep when he suddenly put his hoodie around you.

"Here, you can keep it. I don't want it." He said kissing your forehead.

"Oh, thank you." You smiled and went back to laying on his shoulder.


You guys got back to the hotel and started unpacking everything, them all of a sudden Alina pulled out a bathing suit.


"Oh yeah i forgot about that, everyone change into yalls bathing suits, we're not swimming here. Instead we're going to the beach."


"I love you too baby, now finish getting dressed, hurry."


You all finished Alina was wearing a two piece that was yellow, coach Kayla had on a baby blue two piece, Simone had on a white whole suit with flowers coming in from the corner of it. Baji and Chifuyu had on matching swim trunks and you had on a two piece/whole piece that was f/c.

Alina jumped into the car Baji following behind them, you and Chifuyu got in through the trunk because Baji and Alina refused to move. This time Simone was reading her book.

"Simone whats so good about the book?" Alina asked snatching it out of her hand.


"Ew this is boring."

"Its a romance book." Simone said as she snatched it back from Alina.

"You amd these damn romance books, i bet you with that was you huh?"

"Shut up Alina." Simone said buckling in her seat belt. "Its not even boring. Just try it."

"How about no." Alina said sitting back and buckling their seatbelt.

Simone rolled her eyes and continued reading. Coach Kayla got into the car and buckled her seat belt.

"Time for some awkward silence." Coach Kayla said starting the car.

Once again it sas awkward silence and the only thing you guys could hear was Alina's loud music. This time you sat in the back with Alina while the boys sat in the front, and as always Simone was sitting in the front. Alina took out their ear buds and sat up.

"COACH KAYLA!" They said yelling.

"What Alina?!" She said raising her voice a little bit.

"How come Simone always sits in the front, im older than her! Is it because she's your favorite?" Alina said wiping aways fake tears.

"I don't have a favorite. I love all of my volleyball players." Coach Kayla said stopping at a red light.

"But, you always choose her. She never does suicides and always just helps with putting up equipment." Alina said slouching back.

"Whatever Alina, like i said i don't have a favorite. Besides I want you to be the best." Coach Kayla put on music and the atmosphere suddenly felt tense.

You decided to talk to Alina since they seemed a bit down. But the issue is...you didn't know how. You just put your hand on their shoulder, to try to loosen some of the tension. Alina moved your hand away and put their ear buds back in. 'Rude.' You thought to yourself as you looked out the window, you just hoped that when yall get to the beach, Alina would just let it go.

Like they always do.

𝒮𝓌ℯℯ𝓉 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒮ℴ𝓊𝓇  ❥𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓎𝓊 𝓍 ℛℯ𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓇❥Where stories live. Discover now