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AN: Hey... not sure if I wanna say I'm going to commit to finishing this. I'm just living in the moment right now. But -EMOPUSSY- is to thank for the fact that I even finished this next part.  There's not very much context added to it because it's just smut but this is set about a month after Tyler's birthday, the night/morning after Coachella 2017. Hasn't been edited forreal or nothing. Just raw. And nasty...  and for fun so.



The bed was soft underneath me.

Tyler was across the room, staring at me from his phone screen as he stood in the doorway. The flash was bright but I still could make out his expression, the smirk on his face as he took in the scene. He was into watching me, making videos for his own personal archives.

He was the first person I ever let record me, us... and shit. It was something about being filmed.

It turned me on to be under his direction, to have him coach me on how to move, what to do to get myself off. It turned me on even more to think about us watching it back afterward, trying to outdo our previous performance.

"Open your legs."

He made a pleased sound when my legs eased apart, rubbing his hand against his dick in his pants and tilting his head to see what was under my dress.

"You know you in pink drives me fucking crazy, B... Show me your pussy."

I entertained him, being dramatic and exaggerating my movements as I wiggled the silky green material up over my hips. The anxious expression on his face made me smirk. Then I slid the thin, sticky lace left between us over for his viewing pleasure.

He crossed the room, in no rush, still adamant about recording. His knees sunk into the foot of the bed, climbing closer to get a better angle.

I felt him position himself so that he was kneeling between my thighs, lens capturing my face and body...

"You're being obedient as fuck. You must be ready for me to fuck you." He said, raising his brow at me.

I couldn't lie about that even if I tried because I knew my body would betray me. I just nodded instead.

He shook his head in a disapproving way, smacking my ass for emphasis.

"Words, babe."

The sting of his hand was quick but effective, making my clit throb once at the stinging sensation. I bit my bottom lip hard, whimpering before following directions.


"Aight, you gotta show me how bad you want it know how this shit go."

I played innocent.

"You want me to... touch myself?"

My fingers moved with a mind of their own as they searched for x, already knowing what his answer would be. The tips grazed my slit until they marked the spot, making me moan and curse under my breath. He egged me on.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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