best friends

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I stared at my left hand, checking the renewed coffin shape of my nails as my nail technician worked on my pedicure. Maybe a little TLC would help a little bit and get me out of this fucked up mood I was in.

Days went by since my run-in with Ty at his video shoot and I hadn't had the guts to speak to him yet. In my defense, he hadn't called me either. But I knew he wouldn't, so.

Sure, I did feel shitty for letting things escalate to the point where Trey was actively talking shit about him and making things up about us to people... without at least giving him a heads' up. But I was mostly mad. Because frankly, why the fuck should any of that matter? Especially if it wasn't true... and was that serious enough for him to spaz out on me and decide to act like I don't exist for a week?

I knew I needed to figure this out and fast. Before that even happened, I was looking forward to my pre-Valentine's day pampering with Alex and Kacie... and now that we were here it just kinda felt blah. They knew something was up but I hadn't said anything else about it since our conference call that night other than the fact that I hadn't talked to him.

Kacie nudged her shoulder against my right side, taking me out of my thoughts.

"So you just gon' sit over there and frown all day? Where Tyler ole I can't breathe when you look at me ass at; you want me to beat his ass?" She inquired, and I shook my head no quickly knowing she was serious. I heard her sing a teasing okayyyyy as a warning as she flipped her freshly retwisted locs out of her face and checked her phone.

Alex poked her head out from Kacie's right side making a face in agreement with her comment before she interjected.

"I mean seriously, he's still not talking to you over some community dick?"

I shrugged in reply. We were both prideful so I felt like that was just as much my fault as it was his.

"I guess so. To be fair, I haven't called him either."

"Hmm. I don't think you should to be honest. He gotta figure out how to deal with these new...feelings." This had to be the fourth time somebody said something along the lines of that to me and I was getting a little fed up by it.

"Not y'all too... sure, I agree there is something going on with him but it's not that. He's just... probably mad I didn't say anything. Like I don't trust him or whatever."

Kacie just snorted into her glass of wine and Alex cut her eyes over at her, shaking her head.

"Don't laugh at her, Kay... we both the resistance is strong with this one. We gone have to lead her to the water, so...okay. Why didn't you say anything, Billie?"

I opened my mouth and closed it again, really thinking on her question before replying.

"I knew he would be kinda mad about it. I mean, when have I ever been the girl to rebound that hard? Especially with somebody I swore I would never go there with. I was vulnerable, wasn't in my right mind so it was a bad call on my part and look how it ended up? I'm not ready to hear him say I told you so."

I guess what I said made sense, earning understanding nods from both of my friends.

"I feel where you coming from on your end, B." Kacie rationalized, handing her nail tech the green gel polish she picked out for her toes. "But his ass is jealous at the thought of you getting close to another man. You may not like him like that but he likes you and don't know what to do about it."

I sighed, unsure. "I still don't think that's it..."

My nail lady was almost finished with my pedi so I looked through the swatches of gel colors, hopefully signalling that I was tired of the conversation and wanted to end it...

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