wdb, pt. i

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AN: Shorter than my other jawns but I had to get this out. Thank you guise soooo much for 2K reads, that's craaaaazy. I think my writer's block is over because I feel myself starting to lose time again planning and writing for this so, I'm hype!!!! Shout out to y'all again for helping me hit that milestone in such a short amount of time <3


Hands. Masculine and warm. Big, all over me. And I can't see who it is. Reaching up and touching my face, I realize I'm blindfolded.

That's how it always starts.

My hands are free, so I could take the cover off my eyes at any time. But the anonymity excites me.

Those hands that aren't mine slide up underneath my sleep shirt and I sigh as the cool air hits my skin, bare underneath it with my knees pressed together.

A phantom kiss to one of my knees coaxes them open. Anxiousness has me breathing a little harder.

His voice is warped, fueling the idea that he can be anyone I want him to be.

I can almost feel eyes scanning my body, pausing to stare at the apex of my thighs before a curious set of fingers eases into my folds, sliding up to circle my clit gently. I'm already wet.

My back arches off the bed and I make a soft noise, sheets twisting between my tense fingers.

Lips graze the exposed flesh of my lower abdomen and then my ribs, planting a kiss there before my shirt rises higher, over my breasts.

His mouth is way warmer than his hands.

I shudder when he teases my nipples, biting my lip roughly as I reach up to hold the back of his head while he switches from one to the other, sucking, nibbling, flicking...

His mouth trails from my nipple back down to my stomach, and then he descends...

Heated breath against my inner thighs makes me tense up but he just laughs, holding them open as he whispers against my skin for me to relax.

But who is it? I'm biting down on my lip to stop myself from moaning.

The moment I feel his mouth around my clit, his fingers slide into me at the same time and I'm hit with an intense wave of pleasure that steals oxygen from my lungs and makes me gasp for air. My whole body feels like it's on fire and I'm ready to burn.


I squirm against his mouth, arching while I reach down and rub the top of his head. My legs shake almost angrily, fighting against the sensations he's creating with the pressure of his tongue. I feel my head tip back into my pillow, whining briefly before caving and whimpering his name.


I woke up with a jolt. My heart was racing.

Blinking repeatedly, I realized I was alone. Thank God. Snatching the covers off, I frowned discovering I had on the same shirt I did in my dream, the front of it damp with sweat. It felt too real... just like all the other times. All I could do was flop back down on my bed and groan into my pillows.

Not this shit again. I just wanted to sleep.


I couldn't stop thinking about it and everything else.

Even though I was physically at my desk, my mind was still sitting up in my bed at the dead of night just as confused.

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